Writers’ Blog-ebration: Post a Blog or Find a Blog

Blogebration for Writers

Let’s Invent a New Word

You’ve heard of celebrations, otherwise known as parties, festivities, or happy events. You may also have heard of blog celebrations. Today we’re shortening blog celebration to blog-ebration.

Please post a link to your blog, if you have one, or to someone else’s if you don’t.

The Rules

  • Blogs about writing, blogging, or those containing short stories/poetry are welcome.
  • PG content, please.
  • One suggestion per person.
  • Maximum of twenty-five words per description.

An Ulterior Motive

Even though I wear a mask in public, social distance, avoid crowds, and have all my vaccinations, I still managed to catch COVID-19.

It’s mild but has reduced my vitality and made me wince at the thought of creating a post this week. My eyes are sore. And I have a headache. And my nose is running like a faucet.

So it’s up to you, folks. Post your stuff.

Here’s an Example (20-Word Description)



Word lists, cheat sheets, and sometimes irreverent reviews of writing rules.

Kathy is the author of the Writer’s Lexicon series.

Ready … Set … Go

Zip down to the comment form. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.

Are You Interested in Word Lists, Writing Tips, and Short Fiction?

If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to my blog. (The link will take you to the subscription widget at the top left of this post.)

I usually post two to five times monthly, and you can discontinue your subscription at any time.

Find thousands of writing tips and word lists in
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.

Please don't be shy. Leave a reply.

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45 thoughts on “Writers’ Blog-ebration: Post a Blog or Find a Blog

  1. Sorry I took so long to respond, Kathy. Thanks.

    On my website/blog, I share insights into the writing process and writer’s life, offer advice, and promote my writing output and appearances.

    • Thanks, Debby. It’s a gift I’d love to return, but I’ve heard it’s rude to look a gift horse in the mouth. 😉

      Your blog always contains something interesting. Someday I’ll take all the suggestions in comments and add them to the main post.

      Have a great week!

  2. A Picture, A Story

    Hi Kathy,
    Here’s the link to my blog. I started it in 2019 writing very short stories using my photographs as a starting point. My site has morphed into regular prompt ideas along with a journal where I post about all the things I’m learning about getting better at this craft of writing.

  3. Hi Kathy. Someone mentioned my blog, and you popped right over to visit and left a nice comment. Very much appreciated. And now, I know about your blog, too. I love it when writers help one another.

  4. Hi Kathy, SO sorry you got the world-wide bug. My sister, who got it in Sept 2020, is still struggling with fatigue and muscle weakness. But at least we still have her!

    Here is the link to my blog that I started when I retired. It’s about writing, aging, funny notions, and sometimes chickens: “Silvering and Wrinkles”.


    Thanks for this opportunity to share. I’m glad to have blogs to check out!

    • “World-wide bug” — I like that phrase, Holly. Maybe I’ll incorporate it into a post suggested by Tom Austin. Thanks for the best wishes, and I hope your sister makes a full recovery. Soon.

      After I post this reply, I’ll edit your link. Right now it goes to a Google search.

      Best wishes for continued success with your blog, and stay safe!

  5. Hi Miss Kathy

    Covid. Yikes! I feel your misery. No fun. Hope you feel better soon.

    My blog, which I started when I was a kid, has been up for over 12 years. It never was a writer’s blog so I’ll mention one I like.


    A supportive writing community where creative people submit their work every second month. Writers receive and provide feedback.


    • Thanks, Lenny. Excellent suggestion.

      People can still visit your blog by clicking on your name. 🙂

      Please continue to share your positive attitude; good luck with your writing; and stay safe!

    • Thanks, Margot. Elizabeth’s blog is a treasure.

      I hope people take a minute or two to click on your name and visit your blog as well.

      Keep doing what you’re doing, and take care!

  6. Sorry you got the plague Kathy. Hope you feel better soon. I’ve managed to avoid it (knock on wood), but I suspect there will other medical delights just waiting to pounce. Get better real soon, please.

    Just in case you feel up to it, put together a word list for COVID-19. All the terms people could or can call it. My favourite is “The plague”, then ask other bloggers to submit their favourite ways to describe it. Get better soon….that’s an order!