An Undeniable Fact:
Without the sun, civilization as we know it wouldn’t survive. Most people recognize that fact: A Google search for quotes about the sun produces close to a billion results.
According to Elon Musk, “If the sun wasn’t there, we’d be a frozen ice ball at *three degrees Kelvin, and the sun powers the entire system of precipitation.”
Given the sun’s importance, it’s not a surprise to see it frequently in works of fiction, sometimes as the focal point of a storyline, and other times as a prop.
Today’s post is part one of a two-part series providing words to describe the sun.
See also [1200+ Ways to Describe the Sun Part 2]
Adjectives to Describe the Sun
A parched explorer struggling across the desert might refer to the sun as barbarian, heartless, or tyrannous. A gardener planting seeds in the spring might consider it cheerful, kindly, or welcome.
And remember that some of these descriptors could refer to suns in other solar systems.
Analyze all adjectives before using them. Do they accurately represent the opinion of your POV character?
a.m., ablaze, absentee, adequate, afternoon, ageless, alien, alpine, anemic, annihilating, apathetic, April, artificial, ascending, august (magnificent), August (month), autumn
baking, baleful, balmy, barbarian, bashful, beaming, beauteous, beautiful, bedazzling, beneficent, benevolent, benign, benignant, blanching, blanketed, blaring, blasting, blazing, bleaching, bleak, blessed, blinding, blistering, boiling, bountiful, brassy, breathtaking, bright, brilliant, broiling, brutal, burning, burnished
capricious, ceaseless, cheerful, cheering, cheerless, cheery, clouded, cloudless, cold, colossal, concentrated, creeping, crescent, cruel, cursed
dangerous, dappled, darkened, darkening, dawn, dazzling, dead, deathless, December, departing, descending, desert, devouring, diffused, dim, direct, disappearing, discontented, dismal, distant, diurnal, dull, dusk, dwarfed, dwindling, dying
early, earthly, eastern, eclipsed, eclipsing, eerie, effulgent, emergent, emerging, enervating, enlivening, equatorial, equinoctial, erratic, eternal, ethereal, evening, everlasting, evil, excruciating, exploding, extreme
fading, faint, fall (season), falling, faraway, feared, fearful, February, feeble, ferocious, fervent, fervid, fickle, fiendish, fierce, fiery, filtered, fitful, flaming, flaring, flecked, flickering, frequent, frosty, fulgent, full
garish, gaudy, genial, gentle, ghostly, giant, gigantic, glaring, gleaming, glinting, glistening, glistering, glittering, gloomy, glorious, glowering, glowing, goodly, gorgeous, grand, grueling, gyrating
hallowed, haloed, harsh, hazy, heartless, heatless, heavenly, heliocentric, hellish, hesitant, hidden, hideous, high, holy, honeyed, hot, huge, humid, humongous
icy, ignited, igniting, illimitable, illuminating, immobile, immortal, imperceptible, implacable, imposing, incandescent, incessant, indescribable, indirect, indistinct, ineffable, inescapable, inevitable, inexorable, inextinguishable, infernal, innermost, insufferable, intense, intermittent, invigorating, invincible, invisible, irrepressible
J to L
January, jocund, jovial, joyous, July, kindly, kingly, laggard, lambent, languid, languorous, late, late-afternoon, late-day, late-morning, lazy, leaden, lethargic, life-giving, lifeless, lighted, lightless, lightsome, listless, lordly, low, lowering, lukewarm, lumbering, luminous, lusterless, lusty
maddening, magnificent, majestic, mammoth, March, massive, May, melancholy, mellow, melting, menacing, merciless, meridian, meridional, microcosmic, midafternoon, midday, midmorning, midnight, mighty, mild, milky, miniature, mirrored, mist-obscured, misty, molten, monster, monstrous, morning, motionless, murderous, murky, muted, mysterious
N and O
naked, nascent, natal, new, newborn, nocturnal, noon, noonday, northeastern, northern, northwestern, nourishing, November, nurturing, obscured, occasional, occluded, October, old, omnipresent, oncoming, oppressive, opulent, orbiting, ostentatious, otherworldly, outback, outermost, outmost, overcast, overhead, overpowering, oversized
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
p.m., paradisal, parching, partial, patient, pendant, penetrating, periodic, persistent, pervasive, phosphorescent, piercing, pitiless, placid, pleasant, polar, potent, powerful, powerless, predatory, primeval, primordial, probing, procreative, prolonged, proud, punctual, punishing
radiant, radiating, raging, rayless, reborn, receding, recurrent, reflected, reflecting, refreshing, refulgent, regal, relentless, reliable, remorseless, remote, resplendent, resurgent, reticent, retina-burning, returning, revered, revitalizing, reviving, revolving, rime-ringed, ringed, ripening, rising, rotund, runaway, ruthless
sacred, sacrosanct, savage, scalding, scintillating, scorching, searing, seeping, semitropical, September, setting, sheeny, shining, shrunken, shy, sickly, simulated, sizzling, slanting, sleepy, sliding, slipping, slow-crawling, sluggish, smiling, smoggy, smoky, smoldering, soft, somnolent, southeastern, southerly, southern, sparkling, spectral, spinning, spiritless, splendid, sporadic, spring (season), stationary, steamy, steely, stifling, stinging, streaming, strong, stupefying, subtropical, sullen, sultry, summer, summery, supernal, supernatural, sweltering, swollen, synthetic
tardy, taunting, taxing, teasing, temperate, tenacious, tentacled, tenuous, tepid, terrifying, thawing, thermonuclear, thin, thirsty, threatening, throbbing, timid, timeless, timorous, tiny, tireless, tiresome, tormenting, torrid, torturous, towering, transitory, tremulous, triumphal, triumphant, tropical, truculent, twilight, tyrannous
ultra, ultraviolet, unavoidable, unbearable, unblinking, uncanny, uncaring, unchanging, unclouded, unconquerable, unconquered, undying, unendurable, unfading, unfailing, unforgiving, unmerciful, unmoving, unobstructed, unpitying, unrelenting, unremitting, unrestrained, unseasonable, unseen, unsparing, unstoppable, unvanquishable, unwelcome, unyielding, useless
V to Z
vanishing, vaporous, vast, veiled, vengeful, vernal, vibrant, wan, waning, warm, warming, watery, waxed, waxing, weak, weary, weekly, welcome, westerly, western, whitening, wild, windless, winking, winter, wintery, wintry, withering, yonder, young, zenithal
Sun Similes and Metaphors
Inventive figures of speech create vivid impressions in readers’ minds. Try the following phrases as idea starters, editing them to suit your needs.
- a blast furnace cremating fields and forests
- a bloom of brilliance peeking between the foothills
- a cruel master
- a fierce sentinel guarding the horizon
- a giant sparkling jewel
- a golden sponge sopping up someone’s energy
- a lottery ball of life or death
- a steam iron scalding someone’s back
- a tangerine hanging from wispy red clouds
- ageless as truth
- an unblinking watcher
- brilliant as someone’s smile
- death of night and birth of day
- deliverance from the prison of winter
- flat and cold as an ex-lover’s face
- harbinger of drought
- herald of spring
- hot as a cinder on someone’s skin
- shining like a golden coin in the limitless sky
- spawn of a heartless heaven
- steadfast as someone’s loyalty
- warm as a brooding hen
Sun Colors
The following list provides a starter palette of color adjectives for the sun.
A to O
acid-rain yellow, amber, apricot-orange, black, blue-haloed, blue-ringed, blushing, bronze, burnt-orange, butter, copper, coral, crimson, demon-red, devil-red, fire-orange, flame-red, gilded, golden, honeycomb-yellow, jaundiced, laser orange, lemon-drop, magenta, multicolored, neon-red, ocher, orange
P to Y
painfully white, pale, pallid, paprika-red, pink, pinkish, purple, rainbow-ringed, red, reddening, reddish, red-haloed, red-ringed, rose, roseate, rosy, ruddy, saffron-yellow, scarlet, silver-haloed, silver-ringed, silvery, starburst-yellow, straw-colored, Stygian, swarthy, tangerine, tawny, vermilion, wan, white, yolk-yellow
Find more colors at 1000+ Ways to Describe Colors.
Sun Shapes
Here are a few common shapes, but I recommend that you stretch your imagination to create unique and unforgettable wording.
Look around you. How many round objects do you see? Most of them could be converted into similes, metaphors, nouns, or shape adjectives: the coaster under a coffee mug, the face on a wristwatch, or the photo magnets on a fridge. How about a crystal ball, a hand-blown flask, or a gilt-edged mirror?
The more unusual the object, the more memorable the image it will evoke.
B to S
ball-shaped, bulbous, bulging, discoid, disk-like, disk-shaped, globate, globe-shaped, globose, globular, orbicular, orb-like, orb-shaped, rondure, round, sphere-shaped, spherical, spheroidal
See also [1200+ Ways to Describe the Sun Part 2]
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
Discover more from KathySteinemann.com: Free Resources for Writers
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This is a wonderful compilation of the words I need to embroider onto my Yellow Quilt! Thank you for the inspiration and usefulness.
Thanks, Eleanor. Good luck with your quilt!
Hi Miss Kathy
Wow, another helpful list. Made my day sunny. 🙂
Here’s the first part of a poem I wrote about a sunset in Jamaica.
…a vast golden sphere swathed in a fiery glow…
Hope you’re having a sunshiny day.
Thanks, Lenny. A vast golden sphere swathed in a fiery glow sounds wonderful right now. We’re just coming out of a snowstorm, and the temperature is several degrees below freezing. BRRRRRR.
A wonderful list. Thank you.
Thanks, Vivienne.
Thank you so much for a useful and cheerful post.
My contribution, although hardly poetic, is scientifically accurate – ” the sun is a nuclear furnace.”
In the right context, nuclear furnace could be quite poetic. Thanks, Zarayna!
another very helpful post. Thank you, Kathy.
Thanks for stopping by again, Eamon!