It’s a No-No
Are you very aware of the very prolific advice from very erudite sources telling you to be very wary of using very in your writing? I’m very happy to say I’m very willing to help with the following very extensive list of ways to avoid very.
Do you see what happened in the previous paragraph? I used very so many times, nine, to be exact, that it lost its emphasis — an excellent example of the type of writing to avoid.
You should delete most, if not all, instances of this frowned-upon word. The rest of the time, you can usually find a single word that works better than the original phrase.
If very is a misdemeanor, a double instance of the word is a very, very big felony. Rather than emphasizing whatever follows very, its repetition dilutes the power of your prose.
Sorry, you won’t fool your readers with substitutes such as really, truly, genuinely, sincerely, exceedingly, especially, truthfully, thoroughly, and their relatives.
Is your female protagonist really angry? Why not say she is furious? What about your male protagonist who is especially strong? You can call him brawny or powerful.
Exception to the Rule:
In dialogue, anything goes. People often use slang and incorrect grammar when speaking. If you want your characters to breathe on the page, their speech should sound realistic.
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
The Very Helpful List
Instead of modifying with very, try the alternatives in the following list.
P.S. If you’re having a very difficult time removing very from your writing, remember Mark Twain’s advice: “Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very’; your editor will delete it, and the writing will be just as it should be.”
very accurate | precise, exact, unimpeachable, perfect, flawless |
very aggressive | forceful, overconfident, insistent, hardline |
very amazed | astounded, flabbergasted, astonished, shocked |
very angry | furious, irate, enraged, incensed, fuming, livid |
very anxious | dismayed, apprehensive, restless, fretful |
very aware | conscious, savvy, apprised, mindful, cognizant |
very bad | awful, deplorable, appalling, rotten, miserable |
very basic | rudimentary, primary, fundamental, simple |
very beautiful | gorgeous, stunning, exquisite, magnificent |
very bloody | gory, brutal, barbarous, savage, murderous |
very bony | skeletal, angular, spindly, gaunt, emaciated |
very boring | tedious, dreary, uninteresting, mind-numbing |
very bright | brilliant, dazzling, radiant, blinding, intense |
very capable | efficient, competent, adept, proficient, skillful |
very careful | meticulous, fastidious, precise, scrupulous |
very caring | compassionate, kind, attentive, sympathetic |
very civil | polite, courteous, respectful, cultured, mannerly |
very clean | spotless, immaculate, stainless, shining, hygienic |
very clear | transparent, sheer, translucent, glassy, crystal |
very clever | astute, brilliant, shrewd, ingenious, crafty, sharp |
very cold | frigid, bitter, icy, freezing, glacial, frosty, polar |
very colorful | vibrant, vivid, kaleidoscopic, variegated, vivid |
very competitive | ambitious, driven, cutthroat, bloodthirsty |
very concerned | worried, troubled, upset, distressed, agitated |
very confident | poised, cool, self-assured, self-reliant, secure |
very confused | baffled, befuddled, mystified, clueless, dazed |
very conscious | deliberate, intentional, premeditated, willful |
very consistent | constant, unfailing, uniform, harmonious, same |
very contrary | belligerent, argumentative, confrontational |
very conventional | conservative, common, predictable, unoriginal |
very corrupt | fraudulent, crooked, unethical, dishonest, rotten |
very creamy | velvety, buttery, rich, smooth, milky, greasy |
very creepy | unnerving, skin-crawling, spooky, sinister, weird |
very critical | vital, crucial, essential, indispensable, integral |
very crunchy | crispy, brittle, crackling, gravelly, crusty, gritty |
very curious | inquisitive, nosy, prying, snoopy, quizzical |
very cute | adorable, endearing, delightful, pretty, charming |
very dangerous | perilous, precarious, unsafe, treacherous, dicey |
very dark | black, inky, ebony, sooty, lightless, starless, unlit |
very decent | civilized, upright, courteous, respectable, noble |
very deep | abysmal, bottomless, cavernous, yawning, vast |
very deformed | twisted, contorted, misshapen, mutilated |
very delicate | subtle, slight, fragile, frail, flimsy, insubstantial |
very desperate | frantic, fraught, grave, serious, hopeless, dire |
very determined | resolute, adamant, obstinate, tenacious, dogged |
very different | unusual, distinctive, atypical, dissimilar, unlike |
very difficult | complicated, complex, demanding, arduous |
very dirty | filthy, foul, grimy, polluted, squalid, dilapidated |
very disagreeable | contrary, obnoxious, offensive, repugnant, rude |
very dismal | miserable, cheerless, depressing, morbid |
very distinct | clear, definite, patent, evident, apparent |
very dramatic | theatrical, histrionic, melodramatic, vivid |
very dry | arid, parched, sere, dehydrated, withered |
very dubious | suspicious, skeptical, cynical, unconvinced |
very eager | impatient, ardent, fervent, keen, earnest |
very easy | effortless, uncomplicated, unchallenging, simple |
very educational | enlightening, edifying, informative, revealing |
very efficient | competent, proficient, resourceful, able |
very embarrassed | mortified, humiliated, discomfited, ashamed |
very emotional | demonstrative, sensitive, temperamental |
very enthusiastic | zealous, eager, fervent, vehement, ebullient |
very exciting | exhilarating, electrifying, thrilling, breathtaking |
very expensive | costly, exorbitant, overpriced, extravagant |
very fair | equitable, impartial, neutral, nonpartisan |
very faithful | loyal, devoted, staunch, unwavering, stalwart |
very familiar | common, established, typical, traditional |
very famous | renowned, eminent, legendary, celebrated |
very far | distant, remote, isolated, secluded, extrasolar |
very fast | rapid, swift, fleet, blistering, supersonic |
very fat | obese, corpulent, rotund, blubbery, round |
very fertile | prolific, productive, fruitful, rich, lush, fecund |
very few | meager, scarce, scant, limited, negligible |
very fierce | vicious, ferocious, savage, keen, intense, feral |
very firm | solid, hard, rigid, set, frozen, unyielding |
very fizzy | effervescent, frothy, foamy, sudsy |
very fluffy | downy, fuzzy, fleecy, feathery, cottony |
very fond | devoted, attentive, enamored, doting |
very fragile | tenuous, unstable, precarious, frail, delicate |
very friendly | gregarious, outgoing, chummy, demonstrative |
very frustrating | exasperating, infuriating, disheartening, vexing |
very full | overflowing, bursting, crammed, packed, sated |
very funny | hilarious, hysterical, sidesplitting, rollicking |
very good | superb, superior, excellent, outstanding |
very graceful | flowing, supple, lithe, willowy, lissome |
very greedy | gluttonous, avaricious, materialistic, insatiable |
very hairy | hirsute, shaggy, furry, bushy, unshaven |
very happy | ecstatic, overjoyed, euphoric, blissful, elated |
very hard | inflexible, stony, steely, unyielding, tough, rigid |
very healthy | hale, hardy, flourishing, fit, robust, vigorous |
very heavy | leaden, ponderous, weighty, dense, hefty |
very helpful | supportive, obliging, accommodating, invaluable |
very honest | candid, sincere, authentic, forthright, frank |
very hot | burning, scalding, blistering, scorching, searing |
very hungry | starving, famished, ravenous, hollow, voracious |
very ill | infirm, bedridden, frail, terminal, incurable |
very immature | childish, infantile, naive, jejune, callow, green |
very immoral | depraved, decadent, debauched, iniquitous |
very important | crucial, vital, essential, paramount, imperative |
very impressive | extraordinary, remarkable, awe-inspiring |
very inebriated | intoxicated, drunk, soused, smashed, plastered |
very informal | casual, unceremonious, easygoing, simple |
very intelligent | brainy, clever, bright, gifted, intellectual, astute |
very intense | severe, extreme, fierce, overpowering, acute |
very interesting | fascinating, remarkable, riveting, compelling |
very jealous | envious, resentful, grudging, green, bitter |
very juicy | succulent, moist, ripe, luscious, fleshy, syrupy |
very large | huge, humongous, mammoth, gargantuan |
very lavish | excessive, opulent, posh, luxurious, sumptuous |
very light | buoyant, insubstantial, weightless, airy, ethereal |
very likely | expected, imminent, probable, unavoidable |
very lively | energetic, vivacious, exuberant, spirited |
very logical | rational, cogent, credible, consistent, sound |
very lonely | isolated, deserted, forlorn, solitary, abandoned |
very long | extended, extensive, interminable, protracted |
very loud | deafening, thunderous, booming, blaring |
very loved | adored, precious, cherished, revered, beloved |
very lucky | charmed, blessed, favored, fortunate, fluky |
very moody | morose, temperamental, unstable, changeable |
very much | plenty, oceans, heaps, scads, oodles, loads |
very much so | of course, okay, yes, absolutely, precisely |
very musical | melodic, melodious, harmonious, dulcet |
very near | handy, close-by, alongside, convenient, nearby |
very neat | orderly, tidy, uncluttered, immaculate, spotless |
very negative | pessimistic, defeatist, cynical, critical, fatalistic |
very new | novel, innovative, fresh, original, cutting-edge |
very nice | enjoyable, pleasant, agreeable, satisfying |
very numerous | abundant, copious, myriad, profuse |
very obvious | apparent, clear, evident, plain, visible |
very occasionally | seldom, rarely, infrequently, sporadically |
very old | grizzled, aged, hoary, ancient, grey, decrepit |
very opinionated | dogmatic, cocksure, biased, partisan |
very optimistic | enthusiastic, buoyant, encouraged, positive |
very painful | excruciating, agonizing, searing, unbearable |
very pale | white, pallid, ashen, sallow, colorless, pasty |
very persuasive | convincing, believable, compelling, charming |
very pleasant | satisfying, fulfilling, rewarding, gratifying |
very poor | destitute, indigent, penniless, impoverished |
very popular | trendy, fashionable, admired, prevalent |
very positive | optimistic, upbeat, affirmative, constructive |
very practical | realistic, sensible, functional, doable, viable |
very presentable | shipshape, well-groomed, tidy, personable |
very pure | unadulterated, wholesome, pristine, clean |
very quiet | noiseless, silent, still, hushed, soundless |
very rare | scarce, sparse, unique, exceptional, peerless |
very realistic | genuine, credible, authentic, rational, true |
very reasonable | equitable, judicious, sensible, practical, fair |
very recent | the latest, current, fresh, up-to-date |
very relevant | germane, pertinent, appropriate, significant |
very religious | spiritual, devout, pious, fervent, dedicated |
very responsible | dependable, conscientious, reliable, steadfast |
very risky | perilous, hazardous, treacherous, precarious |
very roomy | spacious, expansive, vast, palatial, commodious |
very rough | coarse, jagged, rugged, craggy, gritty, broken |
very rowdy | boisterous, disorderly, raucous, unruly, wild |
very rude | vulgar, insolent, offensive, derogatory, boorish |
very sad | desolate, disconsolate, wretched, dejected |
very safe | harmless, benign, secure, protected, sheltered |
very same | identical, matching, indistinguishable, exact |
very sassy | impertinent, cheeky, insolent, disrespectful |
very scared | terrified, petrified, terror-stricken, panicked |
very serious | solemn, somber, stern, dour, melancholy, grim |
very severe | acute, grave, critical, serious, brutal, relentless |
very sexy | seductive, steamy, provocative, erotic, sensual |
very shaky | tremulous, quaking, vibrating, unsteady |
very short | stubby, squat, dwarf, diminutive, petite |
very shy | timid, backward, introverted, withdrawn |
very significant | key, noteworthy, momentous, major, vital |
very silky | sleek, smooth, satiny, glossy, lustrous, shiny |
very similar | alike, akin, analogous, comparable, equivalent |
very simple | easy, straightforward, effortless, uncomplicated |
very slow | sluggish, sedate, plodding, creeping, snail-like |
very small | tiny, miniscule, infinitesimal, microscopic, wee |
very smooth | flat, glassy, polished, level, even, unblemished |
very soft | malleable, yielding, spongy, muted, doughy |
very sorry | remorseful, repentant, penitent, contrite |
very sour | acerbic, tart, vinegary, biting, harsh, caustic |
very specific | precise, exact, explicit, definite, unambiguous |
very stinky | putrid, fetid, rank, rancid, putrescent, noxious |
very strange | weird, eerie, bizarre, uncanny, peculiar, odd |
very strict | stern, austere, severe, rigorous, harsh, rigid |
very strong | muscular, brawny, rugged, powerful, tough |
very stupid | idiotic, dense, vacuous, ridiculous, inane |
very substantial | considerable, significant, extensive, ample |
very successful | lucrative, productive, thriving, prosperous |
very sudden | unexpected, abrupt, precipitous, unforeseen |
very suitable | appropriate, fitting, seemly, proper, correct |
very sure | positive, persuaded, certain, convinced, absolute |
very suspicious | skeptical, distrustful, wary, guarded, leery |
very sweet | syrupy, sugary, honeyed, cloying, candied |
very tactile | touchable, palpable, physical, perceptible |
very tall | towering, lofty, multistory, soaring, statuesque |
very tame | docile, submissive, meek, compliant, subdued |
very tasty | delectable, mouthwatering, scrumptious, divine |
very tempting | irresistible, enticing, tantalizing, alluring |
very tense | overwrought, rigid, taut, strained, agitated |
very terrible | dreadful, horrendous, horrific, shocking |
very thin | gaunt, scrawny, emaciated, haggard, skeletal |
very tired | exhausted, spent, frazzled, bushed, drained |
very traditional | conventional, established, customary, habitual |
very treacherous | traitorous, disloyal, unfaithful, perfidious |
very ugly | hideous, revolting, repugnant, grotesque |
very unfair | unjust, bigoted, prejudiced, inequitable |
very unlikely | improbable, implausible, doubtful, dubious |
very unusual | abnormal, extraordinary, uncommon, unique |
very useful | expedient, effective, nifty, handy, valuable |
very valuable | precious, priceless, treasured, inestimable |
very violent | abusive, savage, barbarous, cutthroat, cruel |
very visible | conspicuous, exposed, obvious, prominent |
very warm | stifling, hot, sultry, sweltering, oppressive |
very wary | skeptical, suspicious, leery, vigilant, distrustful |
very weak | feeble, frail, delicate, debilitated, fragile, sickly |
very well | superb, fine, fabulous, all right, okay, good |
very wet | saturated, soaked, waterlogged, sopping |
very wicked | evil, sinful, villainous, nefarious, fiendish |
very wide | vast, expansive, sweeping, boundless, distended |
very widespread | extensive, pervasive, prevalent, rampant |
very wild | untamed, feral, unmanageable, uncontrollable |
very windy | roaring, blustery, turbulent, howling, wild |
very wise | sagacious, sage, astute, enlightened, shrewd |
very worried | distressed, distraught, overwrought, upset |
very young | undeveloped, fledgling, immature, budding |
very zealous | driven, ambitious, motivated, passionate |
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
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It’s really helpful and easier for me to learn new english words and really appreciate it thanks
Thanks for your comment, Myo. Good luck with your English learning!
Thank you for compiling this. This is extremely useful.
What about using very in combination with verbs and adjectives?
“He shouted very loud.” –> he screamed?
“He ran very fast.” –> he raced?
Is there any way to find synonyms for stuff like this?
Good question, Wavy. Much of the process is experience, which can be gained by reading, listening, and endless rounds of editing your own work.
Try to locate synonyms for the root verbs: shout, run, etc. You’ll usually find alternatives that strengthen your writing.
This post about strong verbs should help.
Stay safe!
very secret? or very private?
Thanks for stopping by, Jacob.
Secret and private are absolute adjectives, which means that they shouldn’t be modified. However, if you require emphasis:
confidential, top-secret, classified
exclusive, personal, intimate
Do those words help?
Thank you. Now can you do one for look or looking. It is hard to write romance without using these words. It would be a huge blessing. If you do please tag me somehow so I don’t miss it.
Thanks, Dee.
Oh, yes. That’s an excellent suggestion. I had another post in mind for next Monday, but I think I’ll use your idea instead.
Thumbs up!
Dee, did you mean look as to look with the eyes or as to seem, appear?
Look is a tough one for me as well. Look as in with eyes and in appears or seems.
Ah, I think I have just what you need, Monica: 150+ Ways to Say “Look Like” or “Seem Like” and 125 Ways to Say “Look” (as in “To See”).