Writers, Are You Ready to Share Your Expertise?

Guest Bloggers Wanted at KathySteinemann.com

Please send me the following:

  1. Links to two articles you’ve already written. They may be on other author blogs or your own website.
  2. Your pitch: a couple of sentences or a short paragraph explaining your idea. Use the same care and attention with your pitch that you would with any written work. If it contains typos or poor grammar, it will be discarded.

Articles should be between 500 and 1500 words — about 2 ½ to 7 ½ minutes of reading time.

I do not accept posts from essay-writing services or essay-editing sites.

Posts normally appear on Wednesdays at 2 a.m. Mountain Time. Please be prepared to reply to comments on the day of your post and for the following week.

If I accept your pitch, please submit your copy in .rtf, .doc, or .docx format, along with a JPEG author photo and/or book graphic at least 500×500 pixels. I’ll resize as necessary to fit the page.

All articles are due one week before confirmed publication date.

Here are links to a few guest posts already published:

I look forward to hearing from you.

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