(Discover even more words in The Writer’s Body Lexicon.)
The “Eye”brows Have It
Eyebrows, forehead fuzz, eye coifs … No matter what writers call them, eyebrows can enhance descriptions, reveal emotion, or add humor.
Kevyn Aucoin said, “Life is too short to spend hoping that the perfectly arched eyebrow or hottest new lip shade will mask an ugly heart.”
However, perfectly arched eyebrows reveal motivation, as do artificial, unkempt, or tangled brows.
Emotion Beats and Physical Manifestations
Jack Black once said, “You must never underestimate the power of the eyebrow.” Although a YouTube search for Jack Black eyebrows locates several humorous videos, eyebrows are serious business and can signal many emotions.
quick elevation of eyebrows
Amazement, surprise
quick elevation of eyebrows, often accompanied by bulging “flashbulb” eyes
raised eyebrows
wiggling eyebrows
Anger, fury
eyebrows forced together into a pronounced frown
Annoyance, impatience
raised eyebrows
Anxiety, grief
knitted eyebrows
raised eyebrows, direct eye contact
Confidence, smugness
arched eyebrows
massaging one’s eyebrows or forehead
eyebrows forced together into a pronounced frown
raising and holding one’s eyebrows for a moment while waiting for clarification or agreement
raised eyebrows
forcing eyebrows into a frown and then releasing into a wide-eyed, raised-eyebrow expression
Denial, disbelief, doubt, skepticism
raised eyebrows
cocking one eyebrow
lowering one’s eyebrows into a quizzical frown
quick raising and lowering of one’s eyebrows (eyebrow “shrug”)
raised eyebrows
Discomfort, pain
lowered eyebrows, perhaps accompanied by a wince
forcing one’s eyebrows together into a pronounced frown
cocking an eyebrow
meticulously plucking and/or waxing one’s eyebrows
furrowed brow
raised eyebrows, wide eyes, open mouth
raised eyebrows
Insecurity, uncertainty, worry
lowered eyebrows
eyebrows pressed together into a frown
massaging one’s eyebrows or forehead
scratching one’s eyebrow(s)
eyebrows squeezed together into a frown
Misery, sadness, suffering
inner corners of eyebrows angled upward
u-shaped furrow between eyebrows
eyebrows forced together into a pronounced frown
Politeness when acknowledging an acquaintance or friend
eyebrows rise quickly in greeting and then drop again (eyebrow “flash”)
Regret, remorse
forcing one’s eyebrows together into a pronounced frown
lowering one’s eyebrows into a frown
raising one eyebrow
cocking one eyebrow, and accompanying it with a smirk or sneer
Submission, courtship
lowering head and peering up from under eyebrows
nodding, with eyebrows pulled down into a slight frown
If you need additional beats, consult a body language dictionary. (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
Pay special attention to opinion adjectives such as innocent. Innocent eyebrows hint that a character might be guilty.
A and B
absurd, abundant, accusatory, active, adhesive, aggressive, ample, amused, ancient, angry, anxious, appreciative, aristocratic, arrogant, artificial, astonished, asymmetrical, attentive, attractive, baffled, bald, beastly, beautiful, belligerent, bemused, bold, boyish, bristly, broad, bushy
calm, cartoonish, cautioning, censuring, challenging, close, close-knit, coarse, cold, comical, compelling, concerned, condescending, confused, conspicuous, contemptuous, continuous, cool, craggy, crazy, creased, crinkled, crisp, critical, crooked, curious, cynical
dainty, debonair, deep-set, defiant, delicate, dense, derisive, determined, devilish, disapproving, disbelieving, disdainful, disinterested, dismissive, dispassionate, distinct, distinguished, doubtful, downcast, dramatic, dubious, dusty, dyed
E and F
earnest, eccentric, eerie, elderly, elegant, eloquent, enormous, even, expectant, expressive, exquisite, faint, fake, false, faultless, faux, feathered, feathery, feminine, feral, ferocious, fervent, fierce, fine, flexible, fluffy, formidable, foxy, frantic, frazzled, full, funny, furious, furrowed, furry, fuzzy
G and H
generous, gigantic, girlie-girl, glamorous, gloomy, glossy, gothic, graceful, gracious, grave, grim, hairless, hairy, half-raised, handsome, happy, haughty, heavy, high, honest, hopeful, horizontal, humongous, humorous
icy, immaculate, immense, immobile, impatient, impeccable, imperious, impressive, inadequate, incredulous, indeterminate, indifferent, indignant, indulgent, innocent, inquiring, inquisitive, insolent, intense, interested, interesting, interrogatory, invisible, inviting, iridescent, irregular, irritated, itchy
J to M
judgmental, knowing, languid, large, lazy, level, little, lofty, long, loose, lovely, low, lush, luxuriant, magnificent, majestic, manly, masculine, massive, meager, menacing, merciless, merry, meticulous, mighty, minute, mischievous, misshapen, missing, mobile, modest, moist, motionless
N and O
narrow, neat, nice, noble, noncommittal, nonexistent, oblique, odd, officious, old-man, old-woman, open, outlandish, overbearing, overgrown, overhanging, overplucked, overpowering, oversized, overwhelming
P to R
painted, patchy, patrician, peculiar, penciled, pencil-thin, pensive, perfect, perplexed, pierced, placid, playful, plumed, polite, ponderous, portentous, powerful, precise, prim, prominent, proud, puny, questioning, quirky, quizzical, ragged, rebellious, refined, regal, respectful, roguish, rough, rueful, ruffled, rugged, rumpled
Sa to Sm
sad, sarcastic, sardonic, satirical, scant, scanty, scornful, scraggly, scratchy, scruffy, sculpted, seductive, sensible, serious, serpentine, severe, shadowy, shaggy, shaped, shapeless, shapely, sharp, shaven, shiny, short, silken, silky, single, sinuous, sizable, skeptical, skimpy, sleek, slender, slim, smooth, smug
Sn to Sy
snowy, soft, solemn, solid, somber, sparse, speculative, splendid, squiggly, steady, steep, stern, stiff, stormy, straggly, strange, stray, striking, strong, stubborn, stubby, stylish, suave, substantial, suggestive, sullen, supercilious, surprised, suspicious, sweaty, symmetrical, sympathetic
tangled, tender, terrified, terrifying, thick, thin, thoughtful, threadlike, thready, thunderous, tidy, tiny, tolerant, translucent, triumphant, troubled, tufted, tweezed, twisted
U and V
unattractive, unbecoming, unconcerned, unequivocal, uneven, ungroomed, unhappy, unimpressed, unkempt, unplucked, unruly, untamed, untidy, untrimmed, upraised, urbane, velvety, venerable, victorious, virtuous
W to Z
warm, warning, wary, waxed, weary, well-defined, whimsical, wicked, wide, wild, wiry, wise, wispy, wistful, wolfish, wooly, wrathful, wry, youthful, zany
Similes and Metaphors
Readers will remember unique figures of speech, sometimes for centuries. However, if you introduce a character with Groucho Marx eyebrows, your audience should know who Groucho is. YA readers won’t understand. Seniors might, but what happens in a few years?
Takeaway: avoid dated references.
Think of the following as seedlings from which to grow your own phrasing:
black and arched like the wings of a soaring raven
blond/blonde halos floating over angelic eyes
delicate as the fine strokes of a pastel portrait
drooping like giant mustaches above bloodshot eyes
knitted tighter than someone’s grip on the steering wheel
like a hair explosion in the barber shop
like mold on an ancient pork chop in the back of the refrigerator
like strips of overcooked bacon
like they were drawn on during a tornado
like they were finger-painted by a toddler
like twin fur muffs protecting the eyes peeking out of someone’s ski mask
protruding, and straight as pencils
quirked like the wrinkles above a sad puppy’s eyes
squirming like two inchworms on someone’s forehead
tinted and arched like rainbows shimmering above someone’s tears
twin acid etchings, sharp and cruel
twin pointed alps, as frosty as someone’s attitude
two peaks of hoar frost above someone’s icy eyes
wiry as barbeque brushes
The following list provides a few colors suitable for eyebrow descriptions. See also 1000+ Ways to Describe Colors and the Color section of 400+ Words to Describe Hair
A to G
ashen, auburn, black, blond/blonde, blue-black, brown, calico, charcoal, chocolate, cinnamon, coal-black, colorless, coppery, crimson, dark, ebony, fair, flaxen, fox-red, frosty, ginger, golden, golden-brown, grey, grizzled
H to Y
hazel, honey-colored, inky, orange, pale, raven, red, ruddy, rusty, sable, salt-and-pepper, sandy, silvery, slate-grey, smoky, snowy, sorrel, straw-colored, streaked, sun-bleached, tan, taupe, tawny, white, yellow
A character’s nose would have to be almost touching someone’s eyebrows before noticing a scent. That provides a clue about the characters’ relationship and/or proximity.
Eyebrows might smell like:
A to H
an ashtray, axle grease, baby diapers, barbecue smoke, a barn, a brewery, burnt rubber, candle wax, car exhaust, chicken manure, chocolate, a Christmas tree, cologne, curry, dirt, freshly baked bread, hair dye, hair pomade, hairspray, hay, horse sweat
I to W
an ICU (intensive care unit), maple syrup, a moldy basement, morning breath, mustache wax, peach fuzz, peroxide, popcorn, salsa, singed hair, a skunk, sweat, tobacco, vinegar, weed, wet dog, wet feathers
See also 200+ Ways to Incorporate Scent
and the Scent sections of:
500+ Ways to Describe Mustaches
Unless a character’s eyebrows are an unusual shape, you might want to ignore this section.
A to Z
angular, arched, arrow-straight, batwing, bridge-shaped, caret-shaped, circular, circumflexed, Cleopatra-browed, corrugated, curved, cycloidal, high-arched, inverted, lightning-bolt shaped, peaked, pointed, quadrilateral, rectangular, Spock-browed, squared, S-shaped, straight, tapered, V-shaped, wavy, zigzag, zipper-shaped
Verbs and Phrasal Verbs (1): Transitive
A character’s eyebrows might accentuate seductive eyes, protrude from a receding forehead, or stretch across a taut face. In every case, the verb takes an object.
A to S
accentuate, adorn, arch (across, over), betray, cause furrows (above, between, in), dangle over, float (above, over), frame, hang over, lie (above, beneath), overgrow, overhang, protrude (above, from, over, under), shade, shadow, stretch (across, over)
Verbs and Phrasal Verbs (2): Intransitive
Eyebrows might buckle together, entwine, or twitch. Period. These verbs don’t require an object.
A to I
appear, arch (up, down), beetle (down, together), bend, bob, bow, bristle, buckle (together), bunch (together, up), curl, dip, disappear, draw together, droop, drop, elevate, entwine, flatten, grow together, inch (down, together, up, upward), itch
J to R
jerk, jut, knit (together), knot (together), lift, lower, meet, merge, move, narrow, pinch (together), plow (downward, together), plunge (together), pop (apart, up), prickle, project, protrude, quiver, relax, remain motionless, rise
S to T
sag, scrunch (together), shift (down, up), shoot (up, upward), slant, slope, snap (together, up, upward), spasm, squeeze (together), stick out, tangle together, thicken, thin, tighten, tremble, twitch (together, up, upward)
Verbs and Phrasal Verbs (3): Verbs that Take Eyebrow or Eyebrows as an Object
Usage examples:
She cocked one eyebrow and stared at him until he blushed.
He massaged his eyebrows, trying to alleviate his headache.
He wiggled his eyebrows and cocked his head.
In each of the previous sentences, the character performs a deliberate action, requiring the verb to take an object. Many of the verbs in this list could also behave as intransitive verbs:
Her eyebrows cinched together.
Her eyebrows singed when she stood too close to the fire.
His eyebrows wiggled when he made faces at the kids.
B to P
braid, brush, cinch (together), cock, crinkle, crook, gather (together), glue (together), groom, hike (up), jerk (together, up), lift, line, massage, microblade, moisten, paint (over, with), paste onto, pierce, pluck, press (together, with), pull (together, with), push (together)
Q to W
quirk, raise, rub, scratch, screw (together, up), shade, shape, shave, singe, sketch (in), slam together, slant (down, up), slash, slide (down up), smooth, squinch (together), stroke, tame, tilt, trim, tweeze, twist, wax, wiggle
Review these replacements for eyebrow — I invented a few — and experiment with your own alternatives.
B to F
brow bristles, brow carpet, brow fuzz, brow grass, brow mane, brow-beard, brow-stache, dandruff catcher, eye coif, eye coiffure, eye ruff, forehead caterpillar, forehead fur, forehead fuzz, forehead thatch, forehead toupee, frons (used for animals, especially insects; humor?)
L to U
lice lair, monobrow (eyebrows that merge and look like a single brow), nit nest, supraorbital arch, supraorbital ridge, supraorbital torus, twin mountain peaks, unibrow (monobrow)
A simple prop can reveal clues about a character’s age, phobias, or leisure activities.
His acne extended into his eyebrows.
A spider crawled across her eyebrows. She screamed.
His bushy eyebrows prevented his swimming goggles from sealing.
A to P
acne, brow stamp, castor oil, comb, dandruff, dye, eyebrow embroidery, eyebrow gel, eyebrow pen, eyebrow pencil, flaky skin, frostbite, henna, lice, mascara, petroleum jelly (Vaseline), piercing
Q to W
Q-Tips, rash, razor, sand, scar, slash in one or both brows, snowflakes, spider, sunburn, sunglasses, swimming goggles, tattoo removal, tattooed eyebrows, threading, tint, transplants, tweezers, vitamin E, waterproof eyebrow sealer
Clichés and Idioms
For such an expressive area of the face, I found a dearth of clichés and idioms. Here are a couple.
down to a gnat’s eyebrow: meticulously, painstakingly, thoroughly
to cause raised eyebrows: astonish, flabbergast, offend, shock
If you’re desperate to find idioms for dialogue, repurpose eye clichés:
Shot him right between the eyebrows.
Stare eyebrow-to-eyebrow.
Up to his eyebrows in alligators.
Note: A couple of occurrences of cocked or raised eyebrows in a novel won’t bother readers. More, however, will brand your writing as cliché.
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
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I read this with amused eyebrows.
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