Why Is Color in Writing So Important?
Pablo Picasso said, “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.” Picasso was an artist who evoked emotion with colorful pigments. As a writer, you can do the same with colorful words.
Note the different pictures painted by the following two paragraphs.
Ned gazed at the calypso-orange horizon. A lapis-blue speck sparkled above it in the deepening violet of a new night sky — Planet Vorton, home.
Ned gaped at the corpse-grey horizon. A mold-blue speck festered above it in the deepening black of a smoggy night sky — Planet Vorton, home.
Same number of words, different colors, with complementing adjectives and verbs. One paragraph emanates optimism, the other gloom.
Compound Adjectives Sometimes Require Hyphens
According to The Chicago Manual of Style, if a compound adjective appears before a noun, it should be hyphenated.
Compare the following examples:
Tristan wore an eye-catching purple tie.
Tristan’s purple tie was eye catching.
Wendi modeled a melon-pink dress.
Wendi’s dress was melon pink.
Accent Colors With Adjectives
Here’s a list of more than one hundred adjectives from thousands you could choose to produce more vivid descriptions of the colors in your writing.
A to C
accented, achromatic, ashen, ashy, atomic, blazing, bleached, bleak, blinding, blotchy, bold, brash, bright, brilliant, burnt, chromatic, classic, clean, cold, complementing, contrasting, cool, coordinating, creamy, crisp
D to G
dark, dayglow, dazzling, deep, delicate, digital, dim, dirty, drab, dreary, dull, dusty, earthy, electric, energetic, eye-catching, faded, faint, festive, fiery, flashy, flattering, fluorescent, frosty, full-toned, gaudy, glistening, glittering, glossy, glowing
H to P
harsh, hazy, hot, icy, illuminated, incandescent, intense, iridescent, knockout, lambent, light, loud, luminous, lusterless, lustrous, majestic, matte, medium, mellow, milky, monochromatic, muddy, murky, muted, natural, neon, neutral, opalescent, opaque, pale, pastel, patchy, pearly, perfect, picturesque, plain, primary, pure
R to S
radiant, reflective, rich, royal, ruddy, rustic, satiny, saturated, shaded, sheer, shining, shiny, shocking, showy, smoky, soft, solid, somber, soothing, sooty, sparkling, stained, streaked, streaky, striking, strong, subdued, subtle, sunny, swirling
T to W
tacky, tinged, tinted, tonal, toned, traditional, translucent, transparent, undiluted, uneven, uniform, vibrant, vivid, wan, warm, washed-out, waxen, wild
Enhance Multicolored Objects With Adjectives Such as These
B to L
bicolor, blended, braided, cataclysmic-colored, checkered, compound, contrasting, crisscrossed, dappled, disparate, dotted, dusted, flecked, freckled, fused, intermixed, interwoven, jumbled, lined
K to P
kaleidoscopic, many-hued, marbled, mingled, mixed, motley, mottled, multicolored, multihued, particolored, patterned, peppered, piebald, pied, polychromatic, prismatic, psychedelic
S to V
salted, speckled, splotched, stippled, two-tone, tricolor, varied, variegated, veined
Props Provide More Opportunities to Add Color and Detail
A to D
accent, bleach, brightness, brilliance, chroma, clarity, CMYK, coating, color wheel, colorant, coloration, cover, deposit, depth, diffusion, dimension, dispersion, dye
F to I
film, finish, flicker, fluorescence, blare, glaze, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glitter, glow, gradation, henna, highlight, hint, hue, incandescence, intensity, iridescence
L to O
lacquer, layer, lightness, lowlight, luminosity, luster, monotone, nuance, opacity, opalescence
P to R
paint, Pantone, patina, peroxide, pigment, pigmentation, polish, prism, purity, radiance, rainbow, RGB, residue, rinse
sample, saturation, seam, shade, sheen, shimmer, shine, smidgeon, sparkle, spectrum, stain, stratum, streak, stripe, suggestion, surface, swatch
T to V
tattoo, tester, tier, tincture, tinge, tint, tone, touch, trace, twinkle, undertone, varnish, vein, veneer
Perhaps These Verbs Will Provide Inspiration
Colors can blend, clash, or enhance. They might revitalize, fade, or overlap. Choose carefully to provide the nuance you need in your writing.
A to C
accent, accentuate, appear, attract, balance, bathe, bespatter, blanch, blare, blaze, blench, bleach, blend, blotch, brighten, brush, burn, captivate, clash, color, combine, complement, conflict, contrast, coordinate, crayon
D to J
darken, daub, decolorize, decorate, deepen, dot, draw, dye, embellish, emit, enhance, enliven, fade, flare, flash, flatter, fleck, glare, glaze, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glow, harmonize, heighten, highlight, illuminate, infuse, intensify, jar
L to R
light, lighten, match, meld, merge, mingle, mix, outline, overlap, paint, permeate, pervade, plaster, radiate, revitalize
S to W
saturate, seal, shade, shine, sketch, smear, sparkle, splash, splatter, spray, spread, stain, suffuse, tinge, tint, varnish, wash
Invent Colors
Your ingenuity is the only limit with invented colors. Consider a few examples.
Yolanda sashayed toward me, hips swiveling in a seduction-red skirt that complemented her bad-baby-black lipstick.
Either Yolanda intends to ravish our narrator, or he hopes she’s a bad girl with seduction on her mind.
Bruise-blue eyes stared out through glasses crisscrossed with cracks. Matching lumps burgeoned from Marco’s chin and cheeks.
Readers will make the connection between bruise-blue and the lumps, imagining someone who has been beaten or injured.
Find color ideas by googling phrases such as “things that are green” or “things that look blue.”
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
And Now, a Kaleidoscope of Colors
Some of the following lists contain invented colors. Many are based on objects we encounter in our environment. You can use almost any noun to create an adjective that will resonate with readers.
For the next several years, Trump blond or Hillary blonde will produce instant mental images.
Science fiction might use deep-space black, quasar blue, or starburst yellow.
An environmentalist could choose colors such as oil-slick black, smog grey, or acid-rain yellow.
Choose or invent colors that intensify your writing.
You can use many of these words as is, or precede the color they represent to produce a compound adjective. Rather than anthracite, for example, you might prefer anthracite black.
anger black, anthracite, bat black, boot black, cat black, cave black, cavity black, charcoal, coal black, crow black, deep-space black, ebony, evil black, funeral black, grease black, ink, jade black, jet, leather black, licorice, metal black, midnight, mildew black, mold black, night black, obsidian, oil-slick black, onyx, pitch black, raven, sable, shadow black, shoe-polish black, silhouette black, smoky, sooty, spider black, tar black, tire black, tuxedo black, uber black, velvet black
Although blond can be used for either males or females, many writers prefer blond to describe males and blonde to describe females. Likewise with gender-identified pets and animals.
Blond was adopted into English from French, and the French language uses gender-specific descriptors.
Compound adjectives in the following list are spelled with the feminine form.
almond-crème blonde, amber, apple-cider blonde, apricot, ash blonde, banana-bread blonde, blanched, bleached, bombshell, bottle blonde, brassy, bronze, brown-sugar blonde, butter blonde, butternut, butterscotch, caramel, chamomile blonde, champagne, chardonnay blonde, corn blonde, diamond blonde, dirty blonde, dishwater blonde, electric blonde, flaxen, French-fry blonde, frosted blonde, gilded blonde, ginger, ginger-ale blonde, ginger spice, golden, goldenrod, Hillary blonde, honey blonde, honey-butter blonde, honeysuckle blonde, hot-toffee blonde, macadamia blonde, mushroom blonde, neon blonde, peroxide blonde, platinum, sand blonde, straw blonde, strawberry blonde, sunflower blonde, sun-kissed blonde, sunset blonde, tarnished-gold blonde, Trump blond/e, trumpet blonde, vanilla-malt blonde, vintage gold, wheat blonde
admiral blue, Aegean blue, agate blue, Arctic blue, azure, baby blue, berry blue, blue-jay blue, blue-jeans blue, bluebell blue, blueberry blue, blueberry-juice blue, bluebird blue, blue-jay blue, brook blue, bruise blue, cadet blue, cerulean, china-blue, cobalt, cornflower blue, crystal blue, denim blue, electric blue, forget-me-not blue, galaxy blue, gunmetal blue, ice blue, indigo, ink blue, jellyfish blue, lagoon blue, lake blue, lapis blue, laser blue, lilac blue, lobelia blue, mold blue, moon blue, navy, ocean blue, quasar blue, river blue, robin-egg blue, sapphire blue, sky blue, star blue, steel-blue, swimming-pool blue, teal, toilet-water blue, toothpaste blue, ultramarine
acorn brown, almond brown, amber, auburn, autumn brown, Bambi brown, beige, brandy brown, brick brown, bronze, brunet, buckeye brown, camel brown, caramel, carob brown, cedar brown, champagne brown, chestnut, chipmunk brown, chocolate brown, cinnamon, cider brown, clay brown, coffee brown, cognac brown, cookie brown, copper, cork brown, desert sand, drab brown, dun brown, ecru, espresso brown, fawn brown, football brown, freckle brown, ginger, gingerbread brown, golden brown, hazel, hickory brown, honey brown, infrabeige, kiwi brown, lion brown, loam brown, mahogany, maroon, merlot brown, mocha, mouse brown, mud brown, muddy brown, nut brown, oak brown, orange brown, peanut brown, pecan brown, pekoe brown, penny brown, pigskin brown, pretzel brown, rosewood, russet, rust, sandstone brown, seal brown, sepia, sienna, spice brown, syrup brown, taffy, tan, taupe, tawny brown, teddy-bear brown, topaz brown, tortilla brown, tourmaline brown, umber, walnut, wheat brown, whiskey brown, wood brown
apple green, army green, artichoke green, asparagus green, avocado green, barf green, basil green, blue green, bottle green, bright green, cabbage green, camouflage green, cat’s-eye green, celery green, chartreuse, clover green, crocodile green, crystal-marble green, cyan, electric green, elf green, emerald, fern green, frog green, grape green, grass green, hypergreen, jade, jasper green, jelly green, juniper, kale green, khaki green, kiwi green, leaf green, LED green, olive, leprechaun green, lettuce green, lime, lizard green, loden, mildew green, mint, moss green, neon green, ocean green, parsley green, pea green, pea-soup green, peacock green, pear green, Perrier-bottle green, pickle green, pine green, puke green, sage, sea green, seafoam green, seasick green, seaweed green, seedling green, shamrock green, snot green, spinach green, spring green, sprout green, spruce green, tea green, teal, toad green, velvet green, viridian, watermelon green, yellow green
alien grey, aluminum grey, anchor grey, ash grey, battleship grey, bottle grey, boulder grey, carbon grey, cement grey, charcoal grey, cloud grey, coin grey, corpse grey, crater grey, death grey, dove grey, elephant grey, exhaust grey, fling grey, flint grey, fog grey, fossil grey, fungus grey, ginger grey, granite grey, graphite, gravel grey, gruel grey, gum grey, gunmetal grey, hippo grey, hoary grey, ice grey, iron grey, knife grey, lead grey, mercury grey, meteor grey, mummy grey, nail grey, nickel, otter grey, pebble grey, pepper grey, pewter, pigeon grey, porpoise grey, porridge grey, rat grey, salt-and-pepper, seal grey, shadow grey, shark grey, shovel grey, silver, slate, sleet grey, slug grey, slush grey, smog grey, smoke, steel grey, stone grey, storm grey, stormy grey, stormy-sea grey, sword grey, tabby grey, tank grey, tweed grey, wax grey, wolf grey
apricot orange, burnt orange, butternut orange, calypso orange, candlelight orange, cantaloupe orange, caramelized orange, carrot orange, cayenne orange, cheddar orange, cheese-cracker orange, Chinese-lantern orange, cider orange, citrus orange, clementine orange, coral orange, crayon orange, curry orange, fire orange, flame orange, goldfish orange, mac-and-cheese orange, mango-tango orange, mandarin orange, marigold orange, marmalade orange, monarch orange, nacho orange, nasturtium orange, navel orange, papaya orange, peach orange, peach-butter orange, peach-sorbet orange, popsicle orange, pumpkin orange, safety-vest orange, salamander orange, salmon orange, sherbet orange, shrimp orange, starfish orange, sunset orange, sweet-potato orange, tangelo orange, tangerine orange, terra cotta, tiger orange, traffic orange, yam orange
amaranth, azalea pink, baby pink, ballet-slipper pink, blush, bright pink, bubblegum pink, cantaloupe pink, carnation pink, cerise, champagne pink, cherry-rose pink, coral, cotton-candy pink, crepe pink, cupid pink, cyclamen pink, damask, flamingo pink, fuchsia, geranium pink, grapefruit pink, lemonade pink, magenta pink, mandarin pink, mango pink, melon pink, old-rose pink, oleander pink, parfait pink, pastel pink, peach, peach-blossom pink, peony pink, piggy pink, piglet pink, pomegranate pink, prom pink, punch pink, raspberry-smoothie pink, rose, rosewood pink, rouge pink, salmon pink, seashell pink, sherbet pink, shocking pink, strawberry pink, swine pink, taffy pink, watermelon pink, Zinfandel pink
amethyst purple, amparo purple, boysenberry purple, burgundy purple, Byzantium purple, clover purple, concord purple, coneflower purple, cyclamen purple, eggplant purple, fig purple, gentian purple, gooseberry purple, grape purple, heather, heliotrope, hyacinth purple, indigo, iris purple, jam purple, kazoo purple, lavender, lilac, lollipop purple, lotus purple, magenta purple, mauve, mulberry purple, onion purple, opal purple, orchid purple, periwinkle purple, petunia purple, pillow purple, plum, posy purple, primrose purple, raisin purple, regalia purple, rhubarb purple, royal purple, sage-flower purple, sangria purple, sugar-plum purple, tanzanite purple, Tyrian purple, violet, wild-berry purple, wine purple, wisteria purple
apple red, auburn, beet red, berry red, blaze red, blood red, blush red, brick red, burgundy red, candy red, candy-apple red, candy-cane red, carrot red, cherry red, cherry-soda red, Christmas red, cinnamon-candy red, communist red, copper red, coral red, crab-apple red, cranberry red, crimson, currant red, fire red, fire-engine red, fire-hydrant red, flame red, flaming red, garnet red, ginger red, heart red, henna, holly-berry red, jam red, ketchup red, ladybug red, LED red, licorice red, lipstick red, lobster red, maple-leaf red, merlot red, mulberry red, neon red, pepper red, pomegranate red, poppy red, radish red, raspberry red, roan, rose, rouge, ruby, Russian red, rust, rusty, Santa-suit red, scarlet, sorrel, stoplight red, strawberry red, sunburn red, Titian, tomato red, tulip red, Valentine red, wanton red, watermelon red, wine red
alabaster, angel white, ash white, blizzard white, bone white, bread-dough white, cake white, cameo white, chalk, chaste white, chiffon white, china white, clamshell white, cloud white, coconut white, cornstarch white, cream, crème, dumpling white, eggshell white, fizz white, foam white, fog white, frost white, gardenia white, ghost white, goose-down white, heron white, hospital white, KKK white, ivory, lace white, lather white, lily white, linen white, lotus white, milk white, mist white, moonstone white, noodle white, paper white, parchment white, pearl white, phantom white, picket white, platinum white, polar white, porcelain white, powder white, rice white, salt white, Samoyed white, sheet white, skeleton white, snowflake white, specter white, starch white, sugar white, talc white, vellum white, virgin white, wedding-veil white, winter white, won-ton white
acid-rain yellow, autumn yellow, banana yellow, bourbon yellow, bumblebee yellow, butter yellow, buttercup yellow, butterscotch yellow, cadmium, canary yellow, chick yellow, corn yellow, custard yellow, daffodil yellow, daisy yellow, dandelion yellow, Dijon yellow, duckling yellow, egg-yolk yellow, flaxen, ginger yellow, gold, goldenrod, grapefruit yellow, hardhat yellow, honey yellow, jaundice yellow, lemon, macaroni yellow, maize, mustard, omelet yellow, pencil yellow, pineapple yellow, plantain yellow, poppy yellow, rubber-ducky yellow, saffron, sawdust yellow, school-bus yellow, scrambled-egg yellow, starburst yellow, sticky-note yellow, straw yellow, sulfur yellow, sun yellow, sunflower yellow, sweetcorn yellow, tallow yellow, taxi yellow, turmeric yellow, wasp yellow, whisky yellow, yield-sign yellow
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
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I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for this marvellous word list you have provided. Not only has it enriched my vocabulary, but it has also sparked new ideas and inspired me to explore different writing styles. Your resource has become an indispensable tool in my writing journey, and I will continue to cherish and utilise it in all my creative endeavours. 🙂
Thanks so much, Axelle, and good luck with those creative endeavours!
Oh my! These are dripping with creativity. Many thanks.
I’m glad you found them helpful, Kathy. Hey — nice name. 😉
Thanks for stopping by, and stay safe!
I found this while googling whether to hyphenate ash blonde. I am amazed at the wealth of material contained in this blog. Thank you.
Thanks for dropping by, Dwayne. Here’s more information about hyphenation of adjectives.
This is one of the chapters I love most in book 1 – wanted to say THANK YOU for the Master TOC and the .pdf download link.
Thanks, Felicia!
I’m planning a Writer’s Body Lexicon and then probably a third volume of the main Lexicon series. I had considered producing an omnibus, but I think it would have too many pages to make a print version practical. Unless I figure out a way to compact the spacing in some of the chapters. Hmm.