What is Bluesky?
I explained what Bluesky is in a previous post: Have You Heard About the Bluesky Social Media App? Since then, I’ve given away one invite code and regifted several codes donated by generous users.
This post will provide a few tips for navigation and feeds, as well as information that can be accessed without an account.
Remember that the site is still in beta, and new features are added regularly. Sometimes updates will introduce glitches, but they’re soon fixed by the smart people behind the scenes.
Going Public
I haven’t seen anything official, but speculation on the web suggests that the site may go public at the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024. If you join before then, you’ll already be a Bluesky whiz with a follower base.
The people there are friendly and helpful, so I invite you to try it while it’s in its infancy.
Invite Codes
Many users get in by adding themselves to a waiting list at Bsky.app.
Or users receive invite codes that allow them to invite other users. That’s how I joined.
According to Bluesky:
We brought a few hundred beta testers onto the app in February, and by the end of June 2023, we had over 180k users. We plan to grow the invite system at our discretion in a way that preserves our focus on protocol development and creates a network where healthy conversations can happen.
We also want the network to grow organically, so we periodically distribute invites to existing Bluesky users. Additionally, we monitor the social graph, and if certain users are inviting other trustworthy participants, we give them more invites.
Note the phrase trustworthy participants. If you receive an invite code and post quality content, the person who invited you — and you — will receive more invite codes.
It took me ten days to receive my first code
You Can Add Another Account
I’m not keen on writers who have separate pages or accounts for every book they write. However, you might want to create separate accounts for hobbies and other interests.
If this feature interests you, go to Settings > Create a new account.
You can also set your domain as your handle (publicly available explanatory link — no need for a Bluesky account).
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
Interesting Feeds — in Descending Order of Popularity
Feeds are like channels, providing content of interest.
- BookSky
A feed for anyone who likes reading and books. Share what you’re reading or promoting by using 💙📚 in your posts.
- Writing Community
An active feed with lots of useful information. If you want your posts to show up here, insert the #WritingCommunity hashtag somewhere in your posts.
- Spec List
A feed for the speculative literature world. Ask to be added or use one of the following tags to have posts included: #SpecLit, #SpecFic, #ScifiLit, #HorrorLit, #FantasyLit, #sff, #sffh.
- Writing and Books
Casting a wide net to pick up as many writing and book related posts as possible.
- Litmags & Publishers
A list of literary magazines, small presses, and other publishing accounts on Bluesky.
- Submission Calls
Place the hashtag #SubmissionCall somewhere in your posts if you want them to appear in this feed.
- Authors & Writing
Tracking the following hashtags: #Authors, #Writing, #WritingCommunity, #WriteLife, #WriterLife, #Indie, #SelfPub, #TradPub, #AmDrafting, #AmEditing, #AmRevising, #AmQuerying, #OnSub, #Published, #Debut, #CoverReveal, #BookBirthday, #WriteSky, #WriterSky
Find more feeds by searching Discover new feeds at https://bsky.app/feeds — or you can get to the same page by clicking on More feeds in the feed area of your page.
To tell Bluesky that you like a feed, which will drive it higher in the rankings, press the heart icon near the top right of the main feed page.
In My Feeds > Settings you can pin feeds to the top of your feeds area or send them to the trash.
Goodfeeds.co Also Helps to Find Feeds
Enter your criteria in the search bar, and it locates matches. As I update this post, there are 16,870 available feeds.
If you’re interested in creating your own feed, try the link at the bottom of the page, track.goodfeeds.co, and follow the instructions.
When You Need Help
Go to Bluesky’s ZenDesk. This FAQ and help area is available to everyone, no account needed.
Do You Have Tips or Questions?
Please leave a comment, and I’ll incorporate important tips or try to find answers to your questions.
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
Discover more from KathySteinemann.com: Free Resources for Writers
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two codes now:
Probably not the best idea to post the actual codes, Stephen.
thanks! I didn’t even know what Bluesky was but accepted an invite. One step at a time and this info will be super helpful!
You’re welcome, Vickie! I find Bluesky much friendlier than the bad-bird site, especially its #WritingCommunity.
Pasted #SubmissionCall into the BlueSky magnifying glass search and it popped up a bunch of posts with that tag. That’s how it worked in Twitter. (Stopped looking at Twitter before it changed to X). It’s what i’d expect. I’m not a BlueSky expert, but relatively savvy around tech, since i do it for a living.
It’s a much friendlier site than the bad-bird place.
Still waiting unfortunately 🙂
Probably a good thing for the world in general, haha.
I think you’ll enjoy it, James.
Hi Kathy, very helpful post. I am new on bluesky and finding my way slowly. Can you post about hash tags? Are they same as on Twitter? Do people use them?
Thanks, Paula.
Yes, they are used. See the Feeds section on this post for some examples: https://kathysteinemann.com/Musings/bluesky-tips/#bluesky-feeds
I expect that hashtags will be searchable, the way they are on other social media sites, as the platform evolves.
It’s great to see you over there!
Thanks, Kathy. How do you post on Booksky? I have it on my feed but there’s no option to post on it? Or do I post on my own page?
If you’re on a computer:
Enlarge your screen until you see a blue area on the bottom left with “New Post” inside. On a smaller screen, a blue circle with a pencil-on-paper icon will display on the bottom right of your screen.
On your phone:
The same blue circle will show on your profile page and a few other areas.
Hi, Kathy. I’ve joined the Bluesky waiting list, but I see you have/had some invitations. If you have any spare I would be grateful for one so I don’t have to wait months.
Thank you, and I will definitely follow you when I get admitted. Your blogs and books are invaluable to writers.
Sorry if you think this a bit of a liberty. I understand if you don’t want to send invitations to just anyone who requested one.
Thanks, V.M.
I’ve added you to my list of people who are looking for invite codes to the sunny place.