I Learned About This Social Media App on Facebook
One of my friends was looking for a Bluesky invite code.
Huh? I thought. What’s Bluesky?
I soon found out.
Bluesky Social is a social networking platform co-founded by Jay Graber and Jack Dorsey (the former CEO of Twitter). It has been described by some as “Twitter without Musk.”
You Have Two Ways to Join Bluesky
- Add your e-mail address to the waiting list.
- Receive an invite code from an existing member.
Both methods require you to start at the same point.
- Go to Bsky.app.
- Click on Create a new account.
- Select Bluesky (default) as your hosting provider.
- Next
- Enter your invite code OR join the waitlist.
If you receive an invite code before your account is approved, go back to Bsky.app and start again (it doesn’t take long).
Bluesky Banner Design Tips
Designing the header banner can be tricky. Here’s what mine looks like on my computer as I write this.

And here’s how it looks on my phone. (I could have moved my domain name down a bit to compensate for the navigational arrow.)

However, the file to create the banner is 1024×768 pixels, with the important information in an 820×220 pixel area centered both vertically and horizontally (as shown by the lightened area).

IMPORTANT: When you upload the banner from your library (hard drive), be sure to select the Bluesky icon shaped like a banner to the far left of the options.
This provides the best results for computers, tablet devices, and mobile screens.
One Bluesky User’s Header Banner Solution
Hannah Kolbeck, @hannah.not-ok.computer, set up a website you might want to try: Bannerizer.
I haven’t used it, but it might be just what you need.
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
Speaking of Invite Codes …
Are you on Bluesky? Would you like to share invite codes with other writers? Please leave a comment and a way for people to get in touch with you.
I’ll also share codes as I receive them, but I have a waiting list. You can ask me for a code via my contact form.
Some of the Plusses of Bluesky
- Everyone is new or relatively new to the platform.
- It provides numerous feeds, including Writing and Books, BookSky, Authors, Writing Community, and oh, yeah: Cat Pics (among others).
- No direct messaging — although you might prefer DM communications. I don’t, because they’re often abused.
- The app doesn’t clear your notifications before you have a chance to look at all of them.
Minuses, Which May Be Fixed as the App Matures
- The app doesn’t pull text or images from webpages.
- When you want to share an image, you’ll have to upload it. Once you do that, click on the pencil icon to edit, and then choose an image ratio (or None if you want to share the image as is).
- There’s no way to pin a post.
I Invite You to Follow Me
If you’re a writer, I’ll follow back.
Here’s my account:
I’ve tried several social media platforms and haven’t liked them: MeWe, Mastodon, LinkedIn, and a few others. Bluesky Social seems like a giant step up from the others.
Perhaps because the interface is similar to Twitter’s?
I invite you to try it and see whether you agree.
See also: Bluesky Social Media Tips for Writers and Bookworms.
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
Discover more from KathySteinemann.com: Free Resources for Writers
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I’m on the waiting list. Fortunately, i can wait for more than one thing, and even sleep, all at the same time.
LOL. Hope to see you over there soon, Stephen.
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for this info on Bluesky — I’ve landed here with you from Anne R. Allen’s blog and have followed your instructions on creating an account. I may be a bit dense, but wondered if I would be accepted, being a developmental editor who used to write short stories and articles for magazines. I consider keeping current in all things authorly a great way to ensure I offer the most benefit to my author clients — and am glad to see a new social media access (left Twit over a year ago) — just didn’t know how ‘open’ it was, you know?
Appreciate all your guidance — now off to explore your site and blog, eh? :O)
Maria D’Marco | Kansas City
Yes, you would qualify. I assume you’re on the waiting list, Maria?
I’ll be putting up another post, probably on Wednesday, with more information on Bluesky.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for the heads-up, Kathy. I came off Twitter (before the Musk debacle, as it happens) because I didn’t find it easy to use. I’ll give Bluesky a go.
You’re welcome, V.M. The people over at Bluesky are friendlier and more helpful than I ever found them at Twitter. Maybe next week I’ll post a follow-up with suggested feeds and a few pointers.
Take care!
Are you able to use this site on the computer?
Or do you have to install an app for it?
It can be used on computers, cellphones, and tablets — without an app.
Thanks for stopping by, Olga. 🙂
I must be a bluesky dummy. I got the code and logged on and for whatever reason was not impressed nor able to figure out how to grow followers that interested me, or follow people that were interested in reading or books, nevermind science fiction.
When did you join, Z? Do you still have your account?
Follow me, follow the writers I follow, and follow these feeds:
Writing and Books: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:abv47bjgzjgoh3yrygwoi36x/feed/aaagt6amuur5e
Writing Community: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:abv47bjgzjgoh3yrygwoi36x/feed/aaai4f7awwzkc
Authors: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:2wqomm3tjqbgktbrfwgvrw34/feed/authors
Or search the feeds: https://bsky.app/feeds
The site is still small enough that you can converse with people like Neil Gaiman — very responsive to his followers.
Very KooL,,,, thanks Kathy
I’m really liking it, Jay.
OK, so I joined the waitlist. Guess we’ll see 🙂
I hope to see you over there!
You’ll join the ranks of others such as Neil Gaiman, George Takei, Victoria Strauss, Jane Friedman, Maureen Crisp, J. I. Rogers, Margot Kinberg, and a whole bunch more.
Thanks to the followers who contacted me for a Bluesky Social invite code. I’ve saved your e-mails and will contact you in the same order as the requests were received.
Happy writing!
I managed to snag and give away two codes today. More to come …
Kathy, thanks for this! Very helpful. And I love your Lexicon series. Paula
Thanks, Paula. Will I see you at Bluesky?