Attention authors, poets, editors, book bloggers, et al.
On June 1, someone will win autographed copies of both volumes of The Writer’s Lexicon.
Here’s how to enter.
Prepare a book blurb or bio, maximum of 100 words, with up to 2 links.
If you don’t have a bio, why not? Even if you think of yourself as an “aspiring author,” consider this an opportunity to write one.
Comments will be closed on June 1. At that time a name will be picked at random, and I’ll contact the winner.
Only one entry per person.
Sample bio:
Kathy Steinemann is an award-winning author who has loved words for as long as she can remember, especially when the words are frightening or futuristic or funny.
Her popular books in The Writer’s Lexicon series are touted by writers as “phenomenal,” a “secret weapon,” and “better than a thesaurus.”
Kathy’s career has taken varying directions, including positions as editor of a small-town paper, computer-network administrator, and webmaster. She has also worked on projects in commercial art and cartooning. You’ll find her at KathySteinemann.com, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KathySWriter
Amazon author page: https://amazon.com/author/kathysteinemann
Guess what. I combined a bio with a book blurb, all in fewer than 100 words.
That’s it, folks.
Free publicity, the opportunity to meet others in the writing community, and a chance to win two books.
Please share and re-share this post via your social networks, blogs, and newsletters.
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
Discover more from KathySteinemann.com: Free Resources for Writers
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Congratulations! 🙂
The winner has been selected. Comments will be closed in a moment, and once the winner has replied to my email, I’ll leave a blog post to let everyone know who it is.
Jerry Efobi is a creative writer, ideologist, disillusioned guitarist and keeper of bees. He has authored many books including Pillow Book of Fables, Fate, and The Soliman Angelo Code. He has vowed to publish at least one book every year for the rest of his life (WanBookEiYee). Always look out for him.
A. L. Kaplan’s stories and poems have been included in several anthologies and magazines. She is the Maryland Writers’ Association’s Chapter/Board liaison, a member of Broad Universe, and holds an MFA in sculpture. When not writing or indulging in her fascination with wolves, she is the props manager for a local theatre.
Her novel, Star Touched, recently released.
Being who you are meant to be can be hard — especially when you’re trying to hide. Eighteen-year-old Tatiana is running from her past and her star-touched powers eight years after a meteor devastates earth’s population.
Website: https://alkaplanauthor.com
Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B0105KBIG4/
Robert David Strawn has at times been a camp counselor, cook, waiter, laborer, carpenter, welder, paperboy, bartender, bar manager, programmer, repairman, waterlily wrangler, technician analyst, and coordinator.
His Headgames fantasy series is about Benjamin Gray, a twelve-year-old boy who about to meet the Fates, three creatures feared by the Gods. That will be just the beginning. Ben will soon have to contend with Goblins, manage Fairies and compete with Daemons. Despite the odds, Ben has a strong advantage. The Fates are on his side.
Robert lives in Texas. When not working or writing, he gardens and does woodworking.
Love your lists and the Lexicon! Fingers crossed!!
C.M. Estopare, also known as Christine Michele, can usually be found at her writing desk (aka, kitchen table) pounding away at her keyboard with her uber mutt, Duke, snoring loudly as her keystrokes put him to sleep. Christine has always had her nose in a fantasy book and when she stumbled upon wuxia fiction, her husband almost lost her in her Kindle for three days straight. Unable to shut up about her unending book ideas (her husband can vouch for this), Christine began writing in 2015 and hasn’t stopped since.
I’ll tweet this as soon as I’m done posting here. 🙂
Cathleen Townsend loves a good tale, especially if it involves fantasy. She resides in California’s gold county, nestled in the beautiful Sierra Nevada foothills, which in her mind contains trolls, brownies, kobolds, and dwarves, although they persist in lurking unseen. She loves to chat with readers on her blog: https://cathleentownsend.com.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BT1MPY7 “Guardian of an Archipelago” provides, albeit limited insight to The Bahamas’ link to the secret intelligence tradecraft.
Glenn McPhee is a Chevening Scholar, alumnus of Buckingham Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies (BUCSIS) and a Senior Lieutenant with 27 years of experience in the RBDF. He gained a Master of Arts degree in Administration with a concentration on Human Resource Management from La Universidad Del Valle de México in 2010. In addition, he gained a Master of Arts degree in Security and Intelligence Studies from the University of Buckingham in March 2015. Currently, he is The Base First Lieutenant.
Tom Austin has been writing since the age of 14. In 2011 he took on the world of blogging when created The Old Movie House on Blogger. Tom had to close it to battle throat cancer. Weakened but far from out, he turned out a blog site called The Long Journey Home for other cancer fighters. His newest blog is simply called abitsa. https://abitsa.wordpress.com/. He writes to communicate what he can no longer do with his voice and sheer enjoyment. His Facebook page can be found at this link. https://www.facebook.com/tom.austin.714
ChaosNova is a fictional universe fuelled by collaborative storytelling and roleplay. Our moderately pulpy space adventures take place in the far future, in a cluster of new human homeworlds somewhere in our galaxy. The buddy-authors Laura and Dave sometimes go by Smith & Kaos. Visit our HQ at http://www.chaosnova.co.uk/
Our first properly edited book “Seeker” is a simple pulpy space adventure: bounty hunter takes job, bounty hunter goes places to do job, bounty hunter completes job, uncovers some secrets, walks into a bar. Find it at http://books2read.com/u/3yZzE6
Hi, I’m J. I. Rogers – Sci-Fi Author & Artist.
I’m a green-eyed, ginger-haired, caffeine addict who is currently writing dystopian science fiction. “The Korpes File”, book one of ‘The 942 Series’ has been favourably described as a hybrid between classic ‘Star Trek’ and modern ‘Battlestar Galactica.”
In my life, I’ve had a family, herded cats, and watched many old movies. In my spare time, I trained as an animator (classic/pre-CGI), earned my diploma in Montessori preschool education, and worked as a free-lance computer tech.
My Social Media Links: https://www.jirogers-author.com
My Books: https://www.amazon.com/J.-I.-Rogers/e/B06XDGF5D2/
Joy Lennick is an award-winning author of poetry, short stories and books. An early book-worm (Hans Christian Anderson/Bros Grimm stories by candle-light in World War 11) she became a life-long,word addict. She wore many hats: as secretary to a ‘Count;’ and a lecher; as shop-keeper and hotelier, but her favourites were/are as wife, mother of three grown sons, and as a writer.She ran a poetry group in the UK and retired to Spain, where she Chairs for Writers’ Ink and writes a weekly column in the Costa Blanca Newspaper.Latest humorous book (with ‘im indoors) The Moon is Wearing a Tutu. (Amazon & Kindle).
Alexander Grant is an epic fantasy author. Although he studied geology and dreamed of discovering a rare dinosaur fossil, his growing interest in international politics led him to travel to four continents while pursuing a career in media and, ultimately, working in an International Organisation.
Combining two of his great passions, writing and strategy, he started publishing in 2016 the King’s Lion Tales, a series of epic fantasy books focusing on high-level military strategy and inventive magic. You can find him at AlexanderGrant.eu, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and Pinterest.
Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/Alexander-Grant/e/B01I36PSGS/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderGrant.EU/
With a keen ear for dialogue and a commitment to exploring timeless themes, John M Donovan offers thoughtful and entertaining novels full of characters we can all relate to. His newest book, The Rocheville Devil, is the story of a man who becomes a bit too obsessed with his innocent childhood memories.
You’ll find John on Facebook and Twitter, and just for fun you can start a pool and guess when he’ll update his blog at http://www.hillsboropublishing.com. Could be tomorrow, could be September–who knows?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hillsboropublishing/
Twitter: @jmdonowriter
Pick up the latest sci-fi from the author of The Judas Syndrome series. 2162.
Artificial intelligence claims sentience, but is it the proof which will divide the world, and usher in the end of utopia?…
Karen A. Wyle is an author of speculative fiction, most of it SF. She has published eight novels, including the Twin-Bred trilogy, four near-future tales, and one afterlife fantasy.
Wyle enjoys asking unexpected questions and seeing where they take her. For example, Twin-Bred asks: can interspecies diplomacy begin in the womb? Her near-future novel Who looks ahead to the time when digital storage can preserve memory and personality after death, and asks: how will digitally stored people, or their loved ones, know whether they have been altered for another’s purposes?
Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/Karen-A.-Wyle/e/B005WK7D26/
Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/KarenAWyle/
I shared,
Kathy. I love your words and your bio/blurb. So here’s mine.
Robyn Campbell is a children’s poet, picture book writer, and middle-grade/YA, novelist. She recently found a love for directing and is now starting an acting school for the kids in her community. It all fits in with her writing because she directs the characters in her books every single day. Robyn lives in the Asheville NC area where she looks forward to setting the children’s book industry on fire with her new YA book on Abraham Lincoln’s mother, Nancy Hanks.