Somnus Interruptus: A Drabble (100-Word Story)

Flash Fiction: Somnus Interruptus

This is one of my drabbles — a story in 100 words — from Suppose: Drabbles, Flash Fiction, and Short Stories.

“A use has been found for everything but snoring.” ~ Mark Twain

Was Mark Twain right?

“You were snoring again,” Josie mumbled. “Roll over. I need my sleep. Bobby has Tiny-Tots soccer at seven.”

“I was not snoring.” Vern pulled the covers up to his chin.

“Yes, you were.” I don’t know if I can survive another night like this. Why won’t he see the doctor?

Josie’s restless dreams teemed with grinding gears, rumbling freight trains, and snarling tigers.

Early in the morning, long before dawn had touched the sky, Bobby climbed into their bed. “Mommy, I’m scared. Could I please sleep with you? My room is too quiet, and Daddy’s growling keeps the monsters away.”

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