500+ Ways to Replace Make: A Word List for Writers

Other Ways to Say Make

Make, like take, often invades writing, unnoticed until a writer reads a WIP out loud. A Google search for “idioms” “make” (including quotation marks) produces almost 37,000,000 results. Yes, you read that right: thirty-seven million. No wonder make is a nemesis for so many writers.

It Appears in Quotes by Famous People

Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Abraham Lincoln: “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

Albert Einstein: “Human beings must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.”

Aristotle: “We make war that we may live in peace.”

Theodore Roosevelt: “Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you’ve got to start young.”

And I could continue almost ad infinitum.

To Replace Make, Start With the Easiest Fixes

Many of the foregoing quotes contain a combination of make plus a noun. Such phrases are simple to fix. Most nouns can be replaced by a verb, and the words preceding the nouns can be deleted.

make an announcement: announce, broadcast, proclaim, publicize

make a backup: back up, copy, duplicate, replicate

make a believer: convert, convince, induce, persuade, sway

make a blunder or mistake: blunder, botch, bungle, err, fail

make a booking: book, engage, order, reserve

make a call: call (up), buzz, phone, ring, telephone

make a change: change, adjust, alter, amend, modify, transform

make a comeback: bounce back, rally, rebound, recover

make a complaint: complain, gripe, object, protest

make the cut; make the grade: qualify, certify, pass, succeed

make a date: arrange, book, plan, schedule

make a deal: agree, bargain, collaborate, dicker, negotiate

make a decision: decide, choose, elect, opt, resolve

make a declaration: declare, announce, broadcast, proclaim

make a dent in: decrease, lessen, lower, minimize, reduce

make a deposit: deposit, bank, pay in, put in

make a difference: affect, influence, inspire, matter, shape

make a dive: dive, decrease, free-fall, plummet, plunge

make a donation: donate, contribute, gift, give, pledge, present

make an effort: attempt, endeavor, struggle, try

make an experiment: experiment, pilot, test, trial, try

make a face: grimace, glower, moue, pout, scowl, smirk, wince

make a false step: blunder, err, goof, misjudge, slip, stumble

make a federal case: exaggerate, overstate, overstress

make a hole: bore, drill, penetrate, pierce, puncture

make an impression: impress, affect, awe, influence, inspire, move

make a killing: gain, flourish, prosper, succeed, thrive

make a landing: land, alight, arrive, touch down

make a mock of: mock, deride, lampoon, ridicule, taunt, tease

make money: earn, bring in, do well, profit, prosper, thrive

make one’s day: cheer, delight, hearten, inspire, reassure

make a payment: pay, disburse, give, remit, send, settle, submit

make a plan: plan, arrange, conceive, devise, formulate, organize

make a promise: promise, assure, guarantee, pledge, swear, vow

make recompense: recompense, compensate, reimburse

make a reservation: reserve, book, charter, contract, prearrange

make a sale: sell, close, dump, peddle, unload

make a splash: astonish, astound, impress, influence

make a stink: complain, oppose, protest, rant, rave, remonstrate

make a success (of): succeed, accomplish, achieve, triumph

make war: war, battle, clash, combat, engage, feud, fight

make waves: affect, excite, impress, inspire, stimulate, stir

make a wish: wish, desire, request, want

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The Writer’s Lexicon series
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Verbs and Phrasal Verbs: The Next Step

Make, as a standalone verb or as part of a phrasal verb, embraces a plethora of meanings. Here are a few.

make (1): assemble, build, cobble, construct, contrive, create, devise, dream up, engineer, erect, fabricate, fashion, invent, manufacture, originate, produce, put together, set up, think up

make (2): bake, brew, concoct, cook (up), produce, slap together, throw together

make (3): cause, engender, evoke, generate, hatch, incite, kindle, lead to, precipitate, provoke

make (4): coerce, compel, force, impel, necessitate, oblige, pressure, require, urge

make (5): become, change into, convert, develop into, emerge as, grow into, ripen into, turn into

make (6): achieve, accomplish, attain, complete, consummate, finish, fulfill, gain, get to, manage, meet, reach, see through, solve, succeed, win

make (7): bring home, bring in, clear, collect, draw, earn, gather, get paid, gross, net, procure, profit, receive, score, snag, sock, wrangle

make (8): appoint, assign, choose, commission, decree, delegate, designate, determine, elect, establish, install, name, nominate, promote, select, set

make for (1): approach, aim for, go toward, head to, travel toward

make for (2): bring about, cause, create, produce

make of (1): construe, decipher, interpret, think, understand

make of (2): benefit, capitalize on, exploit, gain

make off: depart, disappear, leave, vamoose

make out (1): distinguish, identify, notice, perceive, see

make out (2): canoodle, make love, neck, pet, smooch, snog

make up (1): apologize, atone, compensate, conciliate, recompense, reconcile, redress, reunite, resolve

make up (2): add to, augment, boost, complete, expand, extend, subsidize, supplement

make up (3): concoct, deceive, fabricate, feign, fib, lie, mislead, misspeak, perjure, prevaricate

make up (4): compose, comprise, consist of, constitute, embody, encompass, form, hold, include, incorporate, subsume

make up for: balance, compensate, counteract, counterbalance, offset

Clichés and Idioms

The make phrases near the beginning of this post represent a miniscule percentage of the clichés and idioms we use in everyday writing and speech. Here are a few more.

enough to make the angels weep: distressing, heartbreaking, heartrending

enough to make a cat laugh: hilarious, sidesplitting, uproarious

make a clean breast of: admit, confess, disclose, divulge, reveal

make a fool out of: demean, deride, humiliate, ridicule

make a fresh start: begin anew, recommence, start afresh, start over

make do: cope, eke, endure, fare, manage, subsist, survive

make eyes at; make a pass at: come on to, coquet, flirt, ogle, proposition

make heads or tails of something: comprehend, figure out, solve

make light of: de-emphasize, downplay, pooh-pooh, trivialize

make a mountain out of a molehill: exaggerate, overstate, overstress

make a sailor blush: curse, cuss, blaspheme, execrate, imprecate, swear

make one’s acquaintance: acknowledge, greet, meet, nod, receive

make one’s blood boil: anger, enrage, incense, infuriate, provoke, rile

make one’s blood run cold: appall, dismay, horrify, revolt, shock

make oneself clear: clarify, elucidate, explain, illuminate

make one’s ears burn: embarrass, discomfit, humiliate, mortify

make one eat crow: embarrass, demean, demoralize, humiliate

make one’s flesh crawl: disgust, nauseate, repulse, revolt, sicken

make one’s fortune: flourish, prosper, score, succeed, thrive

make one’s hackles rise: enrage, infuriate, incense, irritate, rile

make one’s hair curl: horrify, outrage, scandalize, shock, stun

make one’s head spin: befuddle, bewilder, confuse, daze, overwhelm

make oneself at home: loll, lounge, recline, relax, sprawl, unwind

make one hot under the collar: anger, exasperate, incense, rile

make one’s jaw drop: amaze, astonish, astound, flabbergast, stun

make one laugh: amuse, delight, entertain, gladden, regale

make one’s money stretch: budget, conserve, economize, scrimp

make one pay through the nose: fleece, overcharge, overprice

make one’s point: articulate, communicate, convey, defend, relate

make right: right, ameliorate, correct, rectify, remedy

make someone a scapegoat: blame, censure, condemn, denounce

make oneself scarce: depart, disappear, leave, scarper, scram

make someone see reason: convince, induce, persuade, prevail, sway

make someone sick: sicken, appall, disgust, nauseate, repel, repulse

make something happen: activate, cause, inaugurate, initiate, trigger

make to measure: adapt, customize, modify, personalize, tailor

make up as one goes along: ad lib, brainstorm, extemporize, improvise

make up one’s mind: choose, conclude, decide, determine, resolve

unable to make heads or tails of: baffled, flummoxed, perplexed, puzzled

How Many Instances of Make Can You Find in your WIP?

Too many? Analyze the meaning behind each occurrence, and replace it with a more concise word or words.

May your muse be with you!

Find thousands of writing tips and word lists in
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.

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6 thoughts on “500+ Ways to Replace Make: A Word List for Writers

  1. Thank you so much, Kathy.

    I’m limiting my response as I don’t wish to make a fool of myself.

    Wishing you well.

  2. Hi Miss Kathy,

    This post makes me realize how important it is to not overuse the word “make” in my writing. I’m going to make an effort to check my WIP and make replacements as needed. It will make my WIP a much better read. That will make me happy. 🙂

    Thanks for another good lesson. I always benefit from your posts.