(Discover even more words in The Writer’s Body Lexicon.)
Fingers: Priceless Appendages
Fingers perform complex tasks, soothe fevered brows, and wipe away tears. Spock’s Vulcan finger salute conveyed a greeting or leave-taking.
If you need ways to describe these priceless appendages, you’ve come to the right place. In fact, I found so many finger words that I split the information into a two-part post. Here’s the first installment.
Emotion Beats and Physical Manifestations
Do you need to show a character’s emotion? Try one of these beats.
Aggression, belligerence
– pointing an index finger at someone
– jabbing someone’s chest with an index finger
– placing one’s hands on hips, fingers oriented toward buttocks, torso tilted forward
Anger, annoyance
– flexing one’s fingers
– fingering one’s necklace or collar
– jabbing an index finger in someone’s face
– wagging or pointing an index finger at someone
Anxiety, apprehension, doubt
– interlocking one’s fingers
– tapping one’s fingers together
– playing with one’s fingers
– fingering one’s necklace or collar
Boredom, disinterest
– drumming one’s fingers on the chin
– propping one’s head on hand and supporting temple with index finger
– pressing an index finger to one’s cheek and propping chin on rest of clenched fingers
– smiling while drumming one’s fingers on desk or thigh
– forming an ok sign with first two fingers
– forming a V-for-victory or peace sign with first two fingers
– tapping one’s lips with an index finger
Contemplation, deliberation, indecision
– stroking one’s beard
– supporting one’s chin or side of jaw with fingers
Contentment, gratification, satisfaction
– propping one’s elbows on desk and steepling fingers in front of smiling face
Defensiveness, denial
– wagging an index finger, and refuting accusations
– tapping or drumming one’s fingers
– slamming one’s fingers on a solid surface to emphasize a point
– wagging a finger
– drumming one’s fingers
Fear, terror
– cold fingers
– fingers that shake
– raking one’s fingers down cheeks
– interweaving and clenching one’s fingers
Frustration, impatience
– tapping one’s fingers on a solid surface
– drumming one’s fingers against shoulder or thigh
– fingers fidgeting with anything in reach (such as a ring)
– smiling and then pressing one’s fingers against lips
– crushing one’s fingers into palms
Hope, optimism
– crossing one’s fingers
– holding an index finger against one’s lips
– resting one’s chin on thumb, with index finger against one cheek
– holding one’s hands out toward others, palms up, fingers splayed
Insecurity, uncertainty
– raking one’s fingers through hair
– offering a short handshake that includes just the fingers
– standing in “cowboy” pose, with one’s thumbs hooked in belt, fingers oriented toward crotch
– repetitively curling and uncurling one’s fingers
– humming, and tapping one’s fingers in time to the tune
– giving a fellow attendee the Vulcan salute at a sci-fi convention
– fingering one’s ring
– fingering one’s forehead and keeping palm over tear-filled eyes to hide them
– steepling one’s fingers in front of chest or face
– loosely intertwining fingers in one’s lap
– leaning back, and lacing one’s fingers behind head
– using one’s fingers to play with upper lip
– tapping one’s fingers on a solid surface
– fingers fidgeting with anything in reach (such as a ring)
– hooking one’s thumb under jaw and moving index finger from chin to cheek
– pressing one’s fingers against gaping mouth
– pressing one’s hand against chest, with fingers splayed wide
– interlocking one’s fingers
– pointing a finger at suspect
– propping one’s hands on hips, fingers facing down and cradling buttocks
If you need additional beats, consult a body language dictionary. (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
Many of the following descriptors are also suitable for hands. As you scan the list, consider opinion adjectives and how they might muddle point of view.
abbreviated, abnormal, accusatory, active, adept, adjacent, adroit, affectionate, age-spotted, agile, alien, ample (for/to a task), angry, arched, aristocratic, armored, artful, arthritic, artificial, artistic, audacious, authoritative, awful, awkward
babyish, bare, beautiful, beefy, bejeweled, beringed, big, big-knuckled, bite-sized, blasphemous, blimpy, bloated, bloodless, bloody, blotchy, blubbery, bold, bony, brazen, brittle, broad, broken, bruised, brutal, burnt, busted [informal], busy
callous, callused, capable, captive, carefree, careful, careless, cautionary, cautious, chalky, chapped, charred, child-like, chilly, chubby, chunky, clammy, clawlike, clay-caked, clean, clenched, clever, closed, clumsy, coarse, cold, competent, confident, contorted, cool, corpselike, corpulent, corrugated, crabbed, crafty, cramped, crippled, crooked, cruel, cunning, curious, curved
dainty, dangerous, daring, dead, deadly, decaying, deformed, deft, delicate, desiccated, desperate, determined, dewy, dexterous, dimpled, dirt-covered, dirt-smudged, dirty, disapproving, diseased, dislocated, disobedient, distended, distorted, double-jointed, doubtful, drooping, dry, dubious, dusty
eager, eerie, effeminate, efficient, elegant, elongated, eloquent, emaciated, emphatic, energetic, enormous, erratic, ethereal, evil, exposed, expressive, exquisite, extra
fake, false, faltering, familiar, fast, fastidious, fat, feathery, feeble, feminine, feverish, fickle, fiendish, fierce, fiery, filthy, fine, fine-boned, firm, flaccid, flaky, fleshless, fleshy, flexible, floppy, flour-dusted, floury, flowing, fluttery, foamy, foolish, foul, fractured, fragile, frail, frantic, free, freezing, frenzied, freshly scrubbed, friendly, frigid, frostbitten, frosty, frozen, fumbling, functional, funky, furious, furrowed, furry, furtive
gangrenous, gaunt, gentle, ghastly, ghostly, gigantic, glittering, gloved, gloveless, gnarled, gnawed-off, gooey, gory, gouty, graceful, grass-stained, greasy, greedy, grimy, gross, grotesque, grubby, gummy
hairy, half-buried, half-closed, half-frozen, half-numb, hard, hardened, harsh, hasty, heavy, helpful, helpless, hesitant, hidden, hideous, hirsute, hostile, hot, huge, hungry, hurt, hypnotic
ice-cold, icing-covered, icy, idle, immaculate, immense, impatient, imperious, impersonal, impertinent, implacable, impotent, impudent, incautious, incompetent, inconsiderate, individual, industrious, inexorable, inexperienced, infallible, infected, inflamed, inflexible, ingenious, injured, ink-stained, inquisitive, insensitive, insistent, intrusive, invisible, itchy
J to L
jagged, jeweled, jittery, joined, judgmental, juicy, knifelike, knobby, knotted, lacerated, lame, lax, lazy, leaden, leaf-stained, lean, leathery, lifeless, limber, limp, linked, listless, lithe, little, lively, liver-spotted, loathsome, lone, long, loose, lopped-off, lovely, loving, lumpy
magical, maimed, malicious, mangled, manicured, masculine, massive, matchstick-thin, maternal, mean, meaty, mechanical, meditative, menacing, merciless, metallic, mighty, milky, mischievous, misshapen, missing, mittened, moist, moldy, monolithic, monstrous, monumental, motherly, motionless, mud-caked, mud-covered, muddied, muddy, mud-splattered, murderous, muscular, mushy, mutilated, myriad
N to O
narrow, nasty, naughty, neat, negligent, neighboring, nervous, nicotine-stained, nimble, nonfunctional, normal, numb, obscene, odd, oiled, oily, old, oozing, open, outstretched, overlapping, oversized
padded, painful, painted, paralyzed, passionate, passive, peculiar, perfect, perfumed, persistent, perspiring, persuasive, petite, phantom, pious, pitiless, playful, pliant, plump, possessive, powdery, powerful, powerless, practiced, precise, pretty, priceless, profane, professional, protruding, prudent, pruney, pudgy, puffed-up, puffy, punctured, puny
Q and R
quick, rapid, raw, ready, rebellious, refined, relaxed, relentless, reluctant, remaining, remorseless, resolute, restless, reverent, rheumatic, ridged, rigid, ringed, ring-free, ringless, robotic, rock-hard, roguish, rotted, rotten, rough, rubbery, rude, rugged, rusty, ruthless
Sa to Sl
saliva-coated, salty, sandy, savage, scalded, scaly, scorched, scrawny, scrubbed, sculpted, sensitive, serpentine, severed, shadowy, shaggy, shaky, shapely, sharp, shimmering, shiny, short, shriveled, shrunken, silken, silky, sinewy, sinister, sinuous, skeletal, skilled, skillful, skinned, skinny, slack, slender, slick, slim, slimy, slippery, slow
Sm to Sw
small, smelly, smoking, smooth, sneaky, soapy, sodden, soft, soiled, solemn, solitary, sore, spectral, spidery, spindly, split, squat, stained, steady, stern, sticklike, sticky, stiff, still, stinging, stinky, stolid, stout, straggly, straight, strange, stringy, strong, stubborn, stubby, stumpy, sturdy, succulent, suggestive, superfluous, supple, sure, sweaty, sweet, sweet-smelling, sweet-tasting, swift, swollen
talented, taped, taut, teasing, tenacious, tender, tense, tentative, tenuous, tepid, terrible, thick, thieving, thin, thoughtful, threatening, tight, timid, tiny, tired, tobacco-stained, tough, transparent, triumphant, twiggy, twisted
ugly, unaccustomed, unadorned, unaided, uncertain, unerring, unfamiliar, ungloved, unharmed, unmistakable, unpracticed, unqualified, unresponsive, unseen, unskilled, unsteady, untrained, unwary, unwashed, unwilling, unyielding, useless
V to Y
veined, vestigial, vicious, viselike, visible, vulgar, warm, wary, waxy, weak, weary, weathered, wee, wet, wicked, wide, widespread, wild, willing, willowy, wily, wiry, wispy, withered, wizened, womanish, worn, wounded, wrapped, wrinkled, wrinkly, young
Similes and Metaphors
Innovative figures of speech can evoke vivid mental images, often in fewer words than traditional descriptions.
For instance, rather than describe two glovers as soulmates who could never live without one another, you might say they belong together like a finger and thumb.
Leverage the following phrases to develop your own finger similes and metaphors.
- belonging together like a finger and thumb
- beringed, and sparkling like neon lights on Broadway
- bloated like pork sausages just about to burst in the frying pan
- brown and plump as wet cigars
- chummy as fingers in a pair of mittens
- clumsy as someone’s blundering witticisms
- easy as licking one’s fingers
- fast as a flick of the finger
- faster than a finger poke
- gnarled like the tree roots above daddy’s grave
- hideous like the monster’s claws in a horror film
- ideas as useful as a crippled finger
- inseparable as a finger and thumb
- like swords raking one’s chest
- meshing like the teeth of well-oiled gears
- slender, with talon-nails capable of ripping someone apart
- stiff as blocks of wood
- strong as a welding clamp
- thinner and stiffer than chopsticks
- two hands with ten grapple hooks for fingers
- with nails that clack like knitting needles
See also 1300+ Ways to Describe Fingers Part 2.
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
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I love these posts. Thanks so much.
Thanks for stopping by, Rosi.
Thanks so much for your invaluable posts, Kathy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve referred to your lists to help me portray character expression.
Thanks, Jeanine. I’m glad they’re helpful for you.
Thanks for that. it will be invaluable.
Thanks, Vivienne, for being a regular visitor!