(Discover even more words in The Writer’s Body Lexicon.)
What Do the Following Celebrities Have in Common?
Patrick Stewart, Fergie, Timothy Dalton, Dr. Phil, John Travolta, Sandra Bullock, and Sam Heughan.
Hint #1: Check the title of this post.
Hint #2: Daniel Kahneman said, “Nobody would say, ‘I’m voting for this guy because he’s got the stronger chin’, but that, in fact, is partly what happens.”
Maybe we do respect people with strong chins?
A distinctive chin adds dimension to a character, and the words in this post can help create that dimension.
Emotion Beats and Physical Manifestations
Chins and other facial features help show emotions:
a jutting chin
Anger, fury, rage
thrusting one’s chin forward
Arrogance, disdain, superiority
raising one’s chin and looking down the nose
supporting one’s chin on knuckles of one hand
drumming one’s fingers on the chin
Cautiousness, wariness
lifting one’s chin
lowering one’s brows
Conceit, egotism, narcissism, vanity
thrusting out one’s chin
wrinkling one’s nose
tilting one’s head to the side [redundant]
pressing an index finger to one’s cheek and propping the chin on the rest of clenched fingers
rubbing one’s chin
pursing one’s lips
Contemplation, deliberation, indecision
stroking one’s chin
supporting one’s chin or side of the jaw with fingers
Courtship, submission
tucking one’s chin to chest
avoiding eye contact
touching one’s chin or lips
avoiding eye contact
Defeat, discouragement
lowering one’s chin to chest
a trembling chin
licking one’s lips
holding one’s chin against the chest
Defiance, rebellion
a jutting chin
pinching one’s lips into a thin line
parting one’s lips
lifting one’s chin and exposing the neck
pressing one’s chin to one’s chest
tightening the muscles in one’s face
holding one’s chin high
pinching one’s lips together
lowering one’s chin
a trembling chin
Disbelief, skepticism
raising one’s chin
shaking one’s head
Embarrassment, humiliation
holding one’s chin close to the body
a trembling chin
Envy, jealousy, resentment
a jutting chin
flaring nostrils
a trembling chin
Fear, terror
a trembling chin
a blanching complexion
holding one’s chin high
squinching one’s eyes
Guilt, shame
lowering one’s chin to the chest
biting one’s lips
a jutting chin
pursing one’s lips
Nonchalance, relaxation
keeping one’s chin level
maintaining eye contact
Pride [in oneself], self-assurance, smugness
elevating one’s chin
a jutting chin
Remorse, regret
a trembling chin
holding one’s head in one’s hands
twisting one’s mouth
orange-peel texture appearing on skin of one’s tightened chin
a trembling chin
slumped shoulders
Sadness, unhappiness
a trembling chin
drawing down corners of one’s mouth
a jutting chin
lowering one’s chin
staring at one’s toes
Surprise, shock
raising one’s chin
raising one’s eyebrows
rubbing one’s chin
toying with the dimple/cleft in one’s chin
faking confidence by raising one’s chin
clearing one’s throat
If you need additional beats, consult a body language dictionary. (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
In a long-ago speech, Mark Twain described Oliver Wendell Holmes as having “double chins all the way down to his stomach.” Yes, an exaggeration, but it imparts an indelible mental image.
Try one or more of these descriptors, letting them lead you in new directions, while you exercise caution with opinion adjectives.
aching, adorable, aggressive, aloof, Amazonian, ample, angular, antagonistic, aristocratic, arrogant, assertive, asymmetric, attractive, average, awry
babyish, bare, bearded, beardless, beautiful, beefy, belligerent, bewhiskered, blanketed, bloody, blubbery, bold, bonny, bony, boyish, brash, brave, brazen, bristled, bristly, brutal, bumpy, bushy
camouflaged, carved, characterless, childish, chiseled, chubby, classic, clean-cut, clean-shaven, cleft, cloaked, cloven, coarse-pored, cocksure, cocky, cold, comical, commanding, compact, concrete, condescending, confident, conspicuous, contemptuous, covered, craggy, creased, crinkly, crooked, cruel, cunning, cute
dainty, decisive, defiant, deformed, delicate, demure, determined, devilish, diminutive, dimpled, disdainful, disfigured, disproportionate, distinct, distorted, dogmatic, dour, downy, drooping, dusty
E and F
effeminate, elfin, engraved, evil, expansive, exposed, eye-catching, familiar, fat, feeble, feminine, fiendish, fine, firm, flabby, flaccid, flawless, fleshy, flocculent, foamy, foppish, forceful, forgettable, formidable, fragile, frostbitten, frosty, frozen, full, fuzzy
G and H
generous, girlish, glassy, glossy, gore-covered, graceful, greasy, grimy, grotesque, grubby, grungy, haggish, hairless, hairy, handsome, hard, haughty, hawkish, heavy, hewn, hoity-toity, hostile, Humpty Dumpty
I to K
ice-covered, immovable, imperial, imperious, imposing, impudent, inadequate, incredulous, indecisive, indeterminate, indignant, indomitable, ineffective, inflexible, injured, insignificant, insistent, intrepid, iron, irregular, irresolute, irritated, itchy, jaunty, jolly, kingly
L and M
ladylike, large, lavish, lean, little, loose, lopsided, lordly, lumpy, lustrous, macho, malformed, manly, masculine, massive, masterful, matte, meaty, meditative, misshapen, monstrous, mucky, muffled, mulish, mundane, mutilated
N and O
namby-pamby, nasty, neat, negligible, noble, nondescript, nonexistent, noticeable, numb, obdurate, obsequious, obstinate, odd, off-center, oily, opulent, ordinary, outstretched, overbearing
painful, painted, paralyzed, patrician, peculiar, perfect, pert, petite, petulant, photogenic, pitted, plump, pockmarked, poetically perfect, porky, powdered, powerful, pretty, prickly, priggish, prim, princely, prissy, prominent, pronounced, protected, proud, prudish, pruney, pudgy, puffy, pugnacious, purposeful, pushy
Q and R
queenly, raspy, raw, rawboned, recessed, recognizable, refined, regal, repulsive, resolute, rigid, robust, rock-hard, rocklike, rotund, rough-hewn, rough-skinned, royal, rugged, runaway, rutted
saggy, sarcastic, saucy, scornful, scratchy, scrawny, screened, scrubby, sculpted, self-confident, sensitive, severe, shaggy, shallow, shapely, sharp, shaven, shielded, shiny, shriveled, shrouded, silken, sissy, skewed, slack, slender, slippery, sloppy, smarmy, smooth, snobby, snooty, soapy, soft, solid, sooty, sore, sparsely whiskered, spikey, split, steadfast, steady, steely, stern, stiff, stony, striking, strong, strong-willed, stubble-free, stubbly, stubborn, stubby, substantial, sudsy, sullen, sunken, supercilious, superior, swathed, swollen
T to V
tender, thorny, threatening, tremulous, twisted, ugly, unbalanced, uncompromising, uncovered, uneven, unmemorable, unmistakable, unprotected, unremarkable, unshaven, untoned, unyielding, uplifted, upthrust, upturned, veiled, veined, velvety, vulnerable
W to Y
warm, warped, weak, weather-beaten, weathered, well-cut, well-defined, well-developed, well-molded, well-set, well-upholstered, whiskered, whiskery, wimpy, wishy-washy, witch-like, wobbly, wooly, wrinkled, wrinkly, wussy, youthful
Similes and Metaphors
“It’s better to have a friend with two chins than a friend with two faces.” ~ Anonymous
Maybe double chins aren’t so bad?
Similes and metaphors offer opportunities to exercise your creativity:
Miss Wilhelmina Termagant possessed a receding rodent’s chin — the perfect accessory to her shrewish temper.
Richard Coleman, a ninety-year-old millionaire with opulent chins and twin Ferraris, was prime gold-digger bait.
A chin could look like:
a bullfrog’s maw
a giant scab
a rotten peach
an infant’s elbow
an old man’s butt
the back end of a ham
It might protrude like:
a second bulbous nose
a unicorn’s horn
the figurehead of a ship
Or it might be textured like:
a coconut
a doughy thigh
a football
a golf ball
a plucked turkey
half-cooked bacon
Watch characters in movies, patrons in restaurants, and shoppers in malls. Note how their chins move and respond as they interact with their environment.
Chin color typically matches that on a character’s face. Rope burn, makeup, sunscreen, vitiligo, etc., could cause differences.
If food has dribbled out of a person’s mouth, the color will transfer to lips, chin, and beard.
B to W
black-and-blue, bleached, blue, bluish, brown, bruised, crimson, freckled, grizzled, hoary, olive, orange, pale, pink, ruddy, sallow, speckled, spotted, swarthy, tanned, wan, white
If you need more choices, see the Color/Tone section of 300+ Words to Describe Skin.
Fumes or substances that contact chins transfer their scent. Some of the words in this list could lead to entertaining storylines.
A character’s chin might smell like, reek of, or be redolent with the scent of:
A to C
air-dried linen, allspice, almonds, baby hair, baby oil, baked bread, barbecue sauce, bay rum, the beach, bergamot, burnt hair, burnt tar, buttermilk, butterscotch, car deodorizer, cedar, churros, cigarettes, cigars, cinnamon, citronella, cloves, coconut, coffee, cologne, cottage cheese, cotton candy, cumin, curry
D to O
decomp, deodorant, dirty socks, a dumpster, Earl Grey tea, egg nog, embalming liquid, fabric softener, formaldehyde, fungus, ginger, grapefruit, grass clippings, gun oil, hash oil, a haystack, hazelnut sweetener, honey, honeydew melon, ketchup, leather, lemon cleaner, lemon drops, mace, malt, maple syrup, mold, a new car, oranges, the outdoors
P to W
pancakes, peaches, pears, pee, pepperoni pizza, perm solution, piña colada, pistachio nuts, popcorn, rancid butter, room deodorizer, rum, saffron, sandalwood, sassafras, skin toner, smoke, spearmint, spruce, sulfur, tutti-frutti, underwear, verbena, vinegar, a wet horse, witch hazel
See also the Scents section of 600+ Ways to Describe Beards.
In addition to the shapes you find here, try searches such as funny chins or unusual chins at images.google.com.
A to P
abbreviated, barbed, bifurcated, blocky, blunt, bottom-heavy, box-shaped, boxy, broad, bulbous, butt-shaped, conical, double, egg-shaped, elongated, flat, forked, globular, hooked, long, narrow, oblong, oval, overlong, pear-shaped, persimmon-shaped, pointed, pointy, protruding
Q to W
quadruple, receding, rectangular, round, sawed-off, shallow, short, slanted, sloped, sloping, square, straight, stretched, stubby, stumpy, tapered, thick, thin, treble, triangular, triple, truncated, V-shaped, wedge-shaped, well-rounded, wide
Verbs and Phrasal Verbs (1): Transitive
Although chins don’t have minds of their own, they act at the behest of their owners to affect the world. They might:
A to L
alight on, bang against, break (through), brush (against), bump (against, into), burrow into, bury in, cozy up to, cradle, dig (at, into), draw [someone’s] attention, drip with, drop (into, onto), face, graze, hang over, hit, hook on, immerse (in, into), jab (at), land (in, on), lean (against, on), lie (against, in, on), lodge (against, in)
M to R
move (toward), nestle (against, in), nudge, nuzzle (against, into), perch (in, on), point (at, toward), poke (at, out of), press (against, into, on), prod, prop (on, up), push (against), ram (into), reach (for, toward), resist, rest on, rub (against)
S to W
sag (against, on), scrape (against, on), settle (into, onto), shove, sink (into, onto, toward), skim, slap (against), smack, squash (against), squeeze into, strain toward, strike, stroke, submerge (in, into), support, thrust (at), thump (against), touch, tuck into, wallop, whack
Verbs and Phrasal Verbs (2): Intransitive
Chins also perform actions that don’t require direct objects.
A to D
angle (up), appear, bag, blacken, blanch, bob, bruise, burn, chafe, crack, crinkle, darken, dent, dimple, dint, dip, disappear, discolor, drift, droop, drop
E to L
ease (forward, backward, up, down, sideways), edge (forward, backward, up, down, sideways), elevate, extend, fall, firm, freeze, glide (forward, backward, up, down, sideways), glisten, hang, harden, hurt, inch (forward, backward, up, down, sideways), itch, jerk (forward, backward, up, down, sideways), jut, lift, lighten, lower
M to R
move (forward, backward, up, down, sideways), obtrude, ooze, perspire, point (down, up), prickle, project, protrude, pull in, pulsate, pulse, push out, quiver, raise, recede, remain
sag, scorch, shake, sink, slide (forward, backward, up, down, sideways), smart, split, stick out, stiffen, sting, strain (toward), sweat, swell
T to W
tan, tense, throb, thrust (forward, out, up), tighten, tilt (up, down, sideways), tingle, tip (up), toughen, tremble, tuck (in), twitch, vibrate, whiten, wobble
The following nouns and noun phrases sometimes function as suitable replacements for chin.
B to S
beard hanger, beard hook, buccula (double chin), chops, jowl, lower jaw, lower mandible, mental protuberance, mentum, mouth holster, prominence of the lower jaw, submental
A brief chin description may be all you need. Or you might want to create a memorable chin by incorporating props.
B and C
Band-Aid, beard, birthmark, blackheads, blemish concealer, boil, Botox, boxing match, bronzer, bruise, cellulite, cheese dribble, chimple, chin augmentation surgery, chin implant, chinstrap, cold sore, crumbs, cyst
D to L
deoxycholic acid, dermal filler, electrolysis, enlarged pores, face exercises, faceguard, facial scrub, fake beard, fat graft, fever blister, fistfight, furrows, herpes simplex, high collar, impetigo, ingrown hair, Korean facelift, laceration, laser hair removal, lint, liposuction
M to R
massage, melanoma, microphone, mole, motorcycle helmet, mouth guard, MRSA, mud mask, overbite, piercing, pillow feather, pimple, pimple cream, poison ivy, prosthetic, rash, razor, razor nick, ringworm, rug burn
S to W
scab, scar, scarf, skin tag, street fight, tattoo, telephone headset, underbite, unidentified curly hair, wart
Clichés and Idioms
If you google a phrase and find hundreds or thousands of results, try to replace it:
chin music: babble, blather, chitchat, prattle
filled to the chin: bursting, gorged, replete, sated, stuffed
more chins than a Chinese phonebook: corpulent, obese, overweight
to chin-wag: chat, conversate [slang], converse, gossip, talk
to lead with one’s chin: dare, gamble, risk
to make chin music: chatter, talk
to take it on the chin: endure, persevere, persist
up to one’s chin in something: overcome, overwhelmed, swamped
The Writer’s Lexicon series
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