Dear Family, Friends, Colleagues, and Readers,
Whether you celebrate Christmas as a commemoration of Christ’s birth, or you observe other customs, I wish you a very
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays
and a Joyful, Healthy, Productive 2025
Whether you celebrate Christmas as a commemoration of Christ’s birth, or you observe other customs, I wish you a very
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays
and a Joyful, Healthy, Productive 2025
Hot … boiling … sweltering …
No matter what adjective you choose, an unrelenting sun combined with high humidity can turn your writing area into a virtual steam sauna. Both northern and southern hemispheres have been assaulted by multiple heat waves in recent years. Who wants to write when sweat is pouring into their eyes?
Here are a few tips to make life more livable and your muse more accessible during hot weather.
The Importance of Book Launches and Long-Term Promotion
Whether you work with a traditional publisher or embrace the self-publishing route, it’s not enough to just write and publish a book.
You can release the best book since the invention of the printing press, but if nobody knows about it, how many copies will you sell?
This article provides eight ideas to assist your book sales, many that you can plan long before your book is ready for release.
Why I Wrote This Post
As I sit at my keyboard, I don’t know whether I’ll be able to complete this post in time to get it on the blog for its intended date.
My community is hosting thousands of evacuees from a town 45 minutes away. Wildfires have threatened their homes, farms, and businesses. A power substation is also at risk — the same substation that provides electricity to my community. A freeway used by truckers to transport goods from the east is closed. Likewise for the railway.