Ryan Schneider Interview of Kathy Steinemann

Ryan Schneider Interviews Kathy Steinemann

A quick note: Ryan Schneider interviewed me on his blog yesterday. Pop over if you’d like to see my stance on the Oxford comma, find out what I’m reading right now, and hear about my current project.

Tomorrow I’ll be posting another reader gripe.

Until then, remember:

Today’s words are tomorrow’s legacy.
Keep writing!

Find thousands of writing tips and word lists in
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.

Why Should You Spend Time Critiquing Other Writers’ Work?

Critiquing others improves your own writing

Here’s a guest post by Alex Cabal, the man behind the curtain at Scribophile. Don’t know what Scrib is? Read on to find out.

Alex Introduces Himself

I’m lucky to have been running Scribophile, one of the largest online writing workshops and communities, for many years now. At Scribophile tens of thousands of members from all over the world come together to earn what we call “karma points” by critiquing each other’s writing, and then they spend those points on posting their own writing for critique. This give-and-take system ensures that everyone who posts a work for feedback is guaranteed to get it, but it also means that everyone has to put some work in before they can start getting feedback themselves.

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Interview: Michael Donoghue: Author of “The Demise of …

great expectations

Today’s interview is with Michael Donoghue, author of “The Demise of Great Expectations,” one of the stories in Envision: Future Fiction.

Synopsis: Greg, a brilliant AI developer is facing financial ruin. He’s got one shot to turn things around. But his creation has other plans.

Michael, what prompted you to write “The Demise of Great Expectations”?

Gosh. I don’t know. Ideas rattle around inside my head, and the only way to stop them is to pin them down on paper. So! Many! Ideas!

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Writer Interview: M. K. French, Author of “Artless”

Be bold. Break the rules. Get it out. Write first, ask questions later. M. K. French

Today’s interview is with M. K. French, author of “Artless,” one of the stories in Envision: Future Fiction.

Synopsis: Imagine this: Imagination is not allowed here. Creativity? In this Artless world, it’s considered an illness. What will happen to Enzo, who yearns to create?

What prompted you to write “Artless,” M. K.?

I wondered, What would happen if artists became suppressed to the point of “extinction?” And then I thought, Wouldn’t that be a tragedy? What would that kind of world be like?

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