Discourage the Basically and Essentially Invasion
Two words that plague many writers are basically and essentially. Since their definitions are almost identical, I included both in the same post. They also share a common sin: the much-maligned classification as [gasp!] adverbs. No worries. If these pests have invaded your WIP, you can exterminate them with a minimum of effort.
The simplest approach is to eliminate them. Review the following sentences. In most cases, they are stronger without basically or essentially.
Basically, it entailed a complete reversal of the decision
She basically asked for a reprieve.
The Creator knows basically everything about everyone.
He basically responded, “I can’t believe you did that.”
Steel-toed work boots basically protect employees’ toes from crush injuries.
Avoidance of blue light before bedtime basically promotes better sleep.
Basically, he didn’t believe anything she said.
I’m basically fed up with politicians.
Basically, he claimed he was innocent, but his shifty eyes betrayed the truth.
She basically had a green thumb that resulted in a garden with bumper crops.
Basically, the world is poised upon a dangerous precipice. We must combat climate change or suffer horrendous consequences.
Some wieners are basically so full of additives and unknown ingredients that many people refuse to eat them.
Time is essentially infinite.
The old woman was essentially a cat lover, adopting every stray that came into the yard.
The middle-aged man’s face was haggard, essentially the face of someone two decades older.
Essentially, the contract stipulated that neither buyer nor seller could renege on the terms without considerable financial penalty.
The voter was essentially a Republican, but he voted Democrat.
Water essentially consists of two molecules of hydrogen and one of oxygen.
A heptagon is essentially a two-dimensional shape with seven straight sides.
The Sahara Desert receives essentially less than three inches of rain most years.
Rolex watches essentially hint that a person has oodles of money.
Tomatoes are essentially fruits.
Each carving in the shop was essentially created by indigenous artists.
When you don’t want to delete, study the meaning of each sentence and reword instead. This takes time but often produces stronger narrative.
Check the following examples.
# 1
Lemon cleaner and pine cleaner have different scents, but they perform basically the same functions.
Lemon cleaner and pine cleaner have different scents, but their functions are similar.
# 2
The definitions of basically and essentially are basically the same.
The definitions of basically and essentially are almost equivalent.
# 3
I believe that people are basically good.
I believe that most people start with good intentions.
# 4
One of the great things about Facetime and Zoom sessions is that they’re basically like personal meetings without the danger of personal contact.
One of the great things about Facetime and Zoom sessions is that they provide personal interaction without the danger of personal contact.
# 5
Basically, the problem is that nobody seems to care about anyone else anymore.
Self-centeredness and entitlement are huge problems nowadays.
# 6
Basically, the child had outgrown his boots.
The child’s feet had grown too large for his boots.
# 7
There are basically dozens of genres and sub-genres of books.
Books have been classified into dozens of genres and sub-genres.
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
# 8
The terrain is essentially hilly with small flatlands in several areas.
Hills cover most of the terrain, punctuated with flatlands in several areas.
# 9
The aliens were essentially humanoid, with three legs, green skin, and overlarge ears.
The aliens looked humanoid, but they had three legs, green skin, and overlarge ears.
# 10
The vehicle was essentially a lemon and died after its first ten miles.
The defective vehicle died after its first ten miles.
# 11
The taxation system is essentially rigged in favor of the affluent.
The affluent benefit from a taxation system rigged in their favor.
# 12
Sir Gyvanne’s squire was essentially loyal — until he met Lady Loxanne.
When the squire met Lady Loxanne, any loyalty he felt for Sir Gyvanne disappeared.
# 13
She was essentially an optimist at heart.
She saw the best in every person and situation.
# 14
Essentially, 50 to 80 percent of Sweden’s population is light-haired.
Studies estimate that 50 to 80 percent of Sweden’s population is light-haired.
Direct Replacements
If deletion or rewording doesn’t suit your WIP, try one of the following, remembering that some are cliché. Coordinate each replacement with the circumstances of the narrative.
- above all
- all in all
- almost
- almost always
- as a (general) rule
- at heart
- at the end of the day
- au fond
- by and large
- characteristically
- chiefly
- commonly
- customarily
- effectively
- first and foremost
- first of all
- for the most part
- for/to all intents and purposes
- fundamentally
- generally
- in effect
- in essence
- in general
- in great measure
- in most cases
- in substance
- in the end
- in the general run of things
- in the long run
- in the main
- in truth
- inherently
- innately
- intrinsically
- largely
- mainly
- materially
- more often than not
- most of the time
- mostly
- normally
- on the whole
- ordinarily
- overall
- predominantly
- preponderantly
- primarily
- principally
- really
- routinely
- substantially
- to a great degree/extent
- to a great/large extent
- traditionally
- truly
- typically
- ultimately
- under normal/usual conditions
- usually
- virtually
- when all is said and done
- when push comes to shove
- when you come/get right down to it
The Writer’s Lexicon series
and additional resources on my Facebook page.
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Excellent telling Kathy. Wishing you happy and safe holidays. 🙂 x
Thanks, Debby.
You too! xo
‘basically’ and ‘essentially’ are fundamentally wrong.
Heh heh.
Stay safe, Peter!
Thanks for providing a specific list of direct replacements. Some are more obvious than others. When I look back at my self-published book, I can now see plenty of unnecessary adverbs. Seeing how meaningless many adverbs are has become more intuitive for me.
Thanks, Pete. Writing intuition becomes automatic with time. I find that reading a WIP out loud at least once (preferably several times) helps isolate repetitions and awkward constructions.
Please stay healthy — and keep writing!
Thanks for sharing, Kathy. I sometimes struggle with these two words. So it’s great to know ways to rewrite or avoid them.
Could you also share examples of when it IS appropriate to use them?
Thanks, John.
The question shouldn’t be when it is appropriate to use them, but when it is necessary to use them. Even if a word is appropriate, if repeated too often it irritates readers. Most instances of basically and essentially are unnecessary, but a writer might choose to include them anyway.
Thanks for dropping by, and stay safe!